Предмет: Английский язык, автор: stukanolesya

true or false?

1. Art is a reflection of our feelings and emotions. 2. Russia is world-famous for its cultural heritage 3. There is little young talent in modern Russia. 4. The Tretyakov Gallery was founded in the 19th century by one of the Russian artists 5. The Tretyakov Gallery has a rich collection of tapestry, ivory and weapons. 6. The Tretyakov Gallery reflects the history of 19th-century Russian art. 7. Alexander Pushkin adapted more than 700 fairytales. 8. The real jewel of Russian architecture is St Basil's Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin. 9. St Basil's Cathedral is one of the most astonishing buildings as it has ten domes, 10. Tourists from all over the world come to St Petersburg to admire the masterpiece by Andrey Rublev"The Trinity".


Автор ответа: licisca
1. Art is a reflection of our feelings and emotions. =true

2. Russia is world-famous for its cultural heritage =false
Russia is world famous for its literature.

3. There is little young talent in modern Russia. =false
Russia is rich in young talents

4. The Tretyakov Gallery was founded in the 19th century by one of the Russian artists =false
The Tretyakov Gallery was founded in the 19th century by a Russian merchant and a connoisseur of art Pavel Tretyakov.

5. The Tretyakov Gallery has a rich collection of tapestry, ivory and weapons. =false
The Tretyakov Gallery has a rich collection of early Russian paintings and icons.

6. The Tretyakov Gallery reflects the history of 19th-century Russian art. =false
The Tretyakov Gallery reflects the whole history of Russian art.

7. Alexander Pushkin adapted more than 700 fairytales. =false
Alexander Pushkinwas the author of more than 700 lyrical poems. 

8. The real jewel of Russian architecture is St Basil's Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin.=false
The real jewel of architecture is the Moscow Kremlin with its cathedrals, towers and red brick walls.

 9. St Basil's Cathedral is one of the most astonishing buildings as it has ten domes. = false
St Basil's Cathedral is one of the world's most astonishing buildings with 8 domes of different designs and colors. 

10. Tourists from all over the world come to St Petersburg to admire the masterpiece by Andrey Rublev"The Trinity".=false
Tourists from all over the world come to Moscow to admire the masterpiece by Andrey Rublev"The Trinity"
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