Предмет: Английский язык, автор: 453518

Joe stepped onto the aeroplane and was met by one of the cabin crew who showed him to his seat. This was his first flight and he was feeling quite nervous. His hands were (1) slightly and he was breathing deeply. He walked along the (2) of the plane and found his seat. Joe had spent a lot of time (3) planning his holiday, given this was the first time he had been abroad. Sitting next to him there was an 8-year-old boy who also (4) to be quite nervous. Joe knew he was quite good (5) children, so he de¬cided to try to calm the boy. After conversing with the boy for a few minutes, Joe produced some chocolate and gave it to him. The (6) then became quitecheerful as he explained that he loved chocolate (7) much. The man and the boy found that they (8) well together as they chatted for the whole flight. Joe discovered that they were on the same return flight the following week, which pleased them both.
1 A moving B trembling C jumping D rattling
2 A corridor B path C lane D aisle
3 A with B to C on D at
4 A was B appeared C set D showed
5 A at B for C with D by
6 A young B youth C juvenile D youngster
7 A too B extremely C so D absolutely
8 A got on B were C got to D got so


Автор ответа: mexlat
Джо ступил на самолете и был встречен один из бортпроводников, который показал ему на свое место. Это был его первый полет и он чувствовал себя довольно нервной. Руки его были (1) слегка и он глубоко дышит. Он шел по (2) самолета и нашли свое место. Джо провел много времени (3) планирование своего отпуска, учитывая это был первый раз, когда он был за границей. Сидя рядом с ним находился 8-летний мальчик, который также (4) может быть довольно нервной. Джо знал, что он был довольно хорошим (5) детей, поэтому он решил попытаться успокоить мальчика. После беседы с мальчиком на несколько минут, Джо производят шоколад и отдала ему. (6) и затем стал quitecheerful как он объяснил, что он любил шоколад (7) много. Мужчина и мальчик обнаружил, что они (8) хорошо вместе, как они болтали в течение всего полета. Джо обнаружил, что они были на тот же обратный рейс через неделю, что порадовало их обоих.
1 движущийся Б дрожащими прыжки с Д оружием
2 коридор Б путь с пер. д проходе
3 A с B в C в D в
4 А Б появился комплект D показали
5 A на B на C С D на
6 А Б молодежи молодежи с несовершеннолетних д вьюноша
7 тоже Б очень С Д абсолютно
8 получил О Б С у Д У т.
Автор ответа: GreyBoar

Joe stepped onto the aeroplane and was met by one of the cabin crew who showed him to his seat. This was his first flight and he was feeling quite nervous. His hands were (1) slightly and he was breathing deeply. He walked along the (2) of the plane and found his seat. Joe had spent a lot of time (3) planning his holiday, given this was the first time he had been abroad. Sitting next to him there was an 8-year-old boy who also (4) to be quite nervous. Joe knew he was quite good (5) children, so he decided to try to calm the boy. After conversing with the boy for a few minutes, Joe produced some chocolate and gave it to him. The (6) then became quite cheerful as he explained that he loved chocolate (7) much. The man and the boy found that they (8) well together as they chatted for the whole flight. Joe discovered that they were on the same return flight the following week, which pleased them both.

1  B trembling

2  D aisle

3 C on

4 B appeared

5 C with

6 B youth  

7 C so

8 A got on 

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