Предмет: Английский язык, автор: MoreSmoke

Вопрос 1

Текст вопроса
Write the bold sentence in reported speech.

'I studied music for five years.'

Alex said ...

Вопрос 2

Текст вопроса
Correct and write the sentence. She said she knows the answer.


Вопрос 3

Текст вопроса
Write the bold sentence in reported speech.

'I feel ill.'

Sandra said ...

Вопрос 4

Текст вопроса
Write the bold sentence in reported speech.

'What's your name?'

The police officer asked me ...

Вопрос 5

Текст вопроса
Correct and write the sentence. Ryan said had bought the tickets.


Вопрос 6

Текст вопроса
Correct and write the sentence. She asked did I spoke French.


Вопрос 7

Текст вопроса
Write the bold sentence in reported speech.

'We can help you.'

Will said...

Вопрос 8

Текст вопроса
Correct and write the sentence. Sara asked if had he finished.


Вопрос 9

Текст вопроса
Correct and write the sentence. They asked me come back later.


Вопрос 10

Текст вопроса
Write the bold sentence in reported speech.

'I've been to Shanghai.'

She said ...

Вопрос 11

Текст вопроса
Correct and write the sentence. She told me don't speak in the library.

Ответ: ...

Вопрос 12

Текст вопроса
Write the bold sentence in reported speech.

'I'm going into town.'

Mark said ...

Вопрос 13

Текст вопроса
Write the bold sentence in reported speech.

'It will rain on Tuesday.'

The weather forecast said ... on Tuesday.

Вопрос 14

Текст вопроса
Correct and write the sentence. She asked me where was my sister.


Вопрос 15

Текст вопроса
Correct and write the sentence. He said her that he loved her.


Вопрос 16

Текст вопроса
Write the bold sentence in reported speech.

'Are you over eighteen?'

The teacher asked Amy ...

Вопрос 17

Текст вопроса
Match the direct and indirect (reported) speech forms.

Past simple

Ответ 1
Present continuous

Ответ 2
Present simple

Ответ 3

Ответ 4

Ответ 5

Ответ 6


Автор ответа: ktoposledniy

1. Alex said that
he studied music for five years.
She said she knew the answer.
3. Sandra said that she felt ill.
The police officer asked me what my name was.
Ryan said he had bought the tickets.
She asked if I spoke French.
7. Will said that they could help him/her.
8. Sara asked if he had finished.
9 They asked me to come back later.
10. She said that she had been to Shanghai.
11 She told me not to speak in the library.
12 Mark said  that he was going into town.'
13The weather forecast said  it would rain on Tuesday.
14 She asked me where my sister was.
15 He said to her that he loved her.
16 The teacher asked Amy if she was over eighteen.
17.Past Simple - ответ 2.

Автор ответа: Juliyasha11
1 Alex said that he had studied music for five years.
2 She said she knew the answer.
3 Sandra said that she felt ill.
4 The police officer asked me what my name was.
5 Ryan said he had bought the tickets.
6 She asked if I had spoken French.
7 Will said that they could help him.
8 Sara asked if he had finished.
9 They asked me to come back later.
10 She said that she had been to Shanghai.
11 She told me not to speak in the library.
12 Mark said that he was going into town.
13 The weather forecast said it would rain on Tuesday.
14 She asked me where my sister was.
15 He told her that he loved her.
16 The teacher asked Amy if she was over eighteen.
17.если Past Simple в прямой речи-Past Perfect в косвенной
Если Present Simple в прямой-Past Simple в косвенной -некорректно задан вопрос или не хватает вариантов ответа

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