Предмет: Математика, автор: Maloy210156

Когда от мотка проволоки отрезали 15% его длины, В нем осталось 68 м. Сколько проволки было в мотке?


Автор ответа: ариа111111
X-100% из этого 100×68/85
Автор ответа: Maloy210156
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: dashamitrofano
Раскройте скобки.
1. The conquest of England by the Normans (to begin) in 1066 with the battle of Hastings. 2. He (to translate) this text and (to bring) it here yesterday. 3. When you (to return) home, you (to notice) a lot of changes. 4. If it (to rain) not, we (to go) there. 5. We (to go) not, if you (to ring up) not us. 6. I (to go) with you if you (to invite) me. 7. We usually (to learn) these poems by heart. 8. I (to help) you if I (to have) free time. 9. Who (to go) there tomorrow? 10. I (to pass) my exam in physics yesterday, but John (to fail) in physics. 11. When I (come) home there (to be) no light in the corridor. My sister and mother (to be) in bed. 12. "Is it cold?" (to ask) Ann. Nick (to look) at the thermometer and (to say), "It's 20 degrees below zero."! 13. Nick (to work) hard at his English and (to be) not afraid of his exam. 14. If Dan (to be) busy tomorrow, he (to go) not with us. 15. I have a car but I (to use) not it very often. 16. Where your mother (to come) from? She (to come) from the Crimea. 17. When I (to see) Jack, I (to invite) him to our party. 18. Please, don't enter the room until we (to come) back. 19. I (to phone) him as soon as he (to arrive). 20. I have many interesting books. I (to like) reading them on Sundays. 21. How many books you usually (to read) a year? 22. When you (to meet) my friend, he (to recognize) not you. 23. If he (to come), tell him to wait for me. 24. When I (to need) your help, I (to tell) you. 25. If the weather (to be) fine, they (to go) to the seaside.
Предмет: Українська мова, автор: hlivnukdiana661
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