Напишите небольшой рассказ из 10 предложений на complex object пожалуйста
In English, there is a structure called a complex plug-in or complex object. It consists of two parts: the first part - it's a person or an object, the second part - the infinitive, which expresses the action to be taken by this person. The whole structure performs the function of a sentence complement, used only after certain verbs and often translated into Russian by an additional subordinate clause.
I know Polina to be a good friend.
I like her to understand me.
She hates me to argue with her.
I want her to spend more time with me.
Polina would like me to help her with her homework.
We expect everybody to support us in difficult situations.
Our teacher hates us to be late.
Our teacher makes us work hard.
Our parents let us spend weekends together.
I know my friend to be a kind, honest and sociable girl.