Предмет: География, автор: Valdis11

В результате проводимых геологоразведочных работ на побережье Анадырского залива Берингова моря было открыто несколько крупных месторождений высококачественного коксующегося угля.Карты какого географического района России необходимо выбрать,что бы найти информацию для определения географических условий добычи угля на территории Чукотского автономного округа?


Автор ответа: rinnavinn
Дальневосточного округа
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: ekaterinatil114
What a night One night last November 1) anything something terrible happened. We were getting ready to go to bed when it started raining. We weren't worried, because it often rains here but there are rarely any serious problems. At 2 a.m. my sister woke me up and said, "There's water all over the place!" From the top of the stairs, the living room downstairs looked like a lake! We went downstairs. Our parents were trying to get the furniture off the wet floor. Our father told us not to panic. He had started taking 2) some \ something things upstairs, so we helped him. Of course we got really wet. Half an hour later, our father called the fire brigade because more water was coming in. They told us to turn off the electricity and wait. The whole town had flooded and they couldn't help 3) everyone \ nowhere. I started crying: 'We're going to drown!" I shouted. My mother took my sister and me back to bed. However, the temperature had dropped, so it was very cold and we couldn't sleep. The rain stopped the next morning. A fire engine arrived at noon and the firefighters started pumping out the water. As soon as they left, we started cleaning up. We were exhausted but relieved. It was a difficult job because everything was a mess. The flood had destroyed lots of our things. We even h to throw away my new computer and all my computer games. It was a horribl night! (Karen Farmer) [3] II. Use the outlined verbs in the Passive: 1. Our parents were trying to get the furniture off the wet floor. The furniture floor. 2. Our father told us not to panic. We 3. The flood destroyed lots of our things. Lots of our things not to panic. to get off the wet by the flood. [3]
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