Предмет: Английский язык, автор: 18Кэйт

Помогите с тестом по английскому,пожааалуйста!Срочно нужно,ответов нигде неееет!!!
11. Module 7 Test

1. Complete the sentences.

Attend, overcome, self-doubt, position, dropped out, twisted, virtues, impostors, dream, rejected, forced, productive.

1) Frank eventually got a ___ at the University of Leeds.

2) Buying a beautiful house was a ____ come true for Jacky.

3) ____ kept Helen from participating in the competition.

4) Nick ___ of college after his second year.

5) We shall ___ all our difficulties.

6) The government ____ the architect’s designs.

7) Mass media gives ___ information of the events.

8) “Do everything as we’ve planned, or they’ll guess that we are ___ “

9) They ___ him to give away a secret.

10) among her ___ are kindness, politeness and patience.

11) Amanda had quite a ____ year.

12) You should ____ all his lectures, he is a brilliant specialist.

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1) If he prepared his speech in advance, he ( not/stammer) all the time.

2) My professor ( not/take) my work if I had handed it late.

3) Suppose they ( get) the grant, would they have continued the research?

4) If she ( not/find)the book, she’ll look for it in the reference library.

5) James would be a doctor today if he ( chose) to study Medicine.

6) If George had more confidence, he ( do) better at job interview.

7) If I ( be) you, I would read that book.

8) If I ( know) what to do, I wouldn’t be asking for your advice.

9) I don’t know what I (say) if I had been in your position.

10) If they offer him a place at Bristol University, he ( gladly/ accept) it.

3. Underline the correct item.

1) It’s difficult to hold up/on to hope in our situations.

2) She thought it to be the last point and gave way for/to anger.

3) Harry came home long after/since everyone else.

4) He promised not to breathe a word to/about it to anyone.

5) It took Carry many years to build up/on her life.

6) We should make allowance of/for our stress.

7) My brother often blames his faults on/to me.


Автор ответа: Blackbelka
1. Complete the sentences.

, , , , , , , , , , , .

1) Frank eventually got a 
position at the University of Leeds.

2) Buying a beautiful house was a 
dream come true for Jacky.

self-doubt kept Helen from participating in the competition.

4) Nick 
dropped out of college after his second year.

5) We shall 
overcome all our difficulties.

6) The government 
twisted the architect’s designs.

7) Mass media gives 
forced information of the events.

8) “Do everything as we’ve planned, or they’ll guess that we are 

9) They 
rejected him to give away a secret.

10) among her 
virtues are kindness, politeness and patience.

11) Amanda had quite a 
productive year.

12) You should 
Attend all his lectures, he is a brilliant specialist.

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1) If he prepared his speech in advance, he ( wouldn't stammer) all the time.

2) My professor ( wouldn't have taken) my work if I had handed it late.

3) Suppose they ( had got) the grant, would they have continued the research?

4) If she ( doesn't find )the book, she’ll look for it in the reference library.

5) James would be a doctor today if he ( had chosen) to study Medicine.

6) If George had more confidence, he (would have done) better at job interview.

7) If I ( were) you, I would read that book.

8) If I ( knew) what to do, I wouldn’t be asking for your advice.

9) I don’t know what I (would have said ) if I had been in your position.

10) If they offer him a place at Bristol University, he ( will gladly accept) it.

3. Underline the correct item.

1) It’s difficult to hold  on to hope in our situations.

2) She thought it to be the last point and gave way to anger.

3) Harry came home long after everyone else.

4) He promised not to breathe a word about it to anyone.

5) It took Carry many years to build up her life.

6) We should make allowance of our stress.

7) My brother often blames his faults on me.
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