Предмет: Окружающий мир, автор: EvCh72

тема сообщения о культурных растениях.


Автор ответа: sergeimatveev2
Окультуривание растений началось в каменном веке, когда человек наряду с собирательством съедобных плодов, ягод и др. стал выращивать нужные ему растения, заделывая семена во взрыхлённую почву. Постепенно он научился ухаживать за посевами (поливать, освобождать от сорняков) , охранял их от вытаптывания и поедания животными. Отбирая лучшие по потребительским качествам растения (крупные плоды, хороший вкус и т. п.) , он вёл бессознательный искусственный отбор. С течением времени непрерывный отбор привёл к созданию культурных растений. Развитие земледелия (примитивное появилось к бронзовому веку) привело к формированию в различных географических областях крупных его очагов, откуда впоследствии культурные растения распространились по всему свету. Этому способствовали торговля, войны, путешествия. Первичные очаги земледелия были установлены Н. И. Вавиловым и названы центрами происхождения культурных растений  . Позднее их перечень был расширен другими учёными.
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1.Choose the right variant: How______you?

А) Am

В) Is

С) Are

Д) Have

Е) Was

2.Choose the correct answer: You have got a lot of work to do,_______?

А) Did you.

В) Hasn't you.

С) Do you.

Д) Will you.

Е) Haven' t you.

3.Complete with the verb in passive voice. Cheese_________ from milk

А) Makes

В) Is made

С) Making

Д) Has made

Е) Was making

4.Choose the correct answer: … an engineer. I enjoy it.

А) I would to be

В) I want be

С) I like be

Д) I wouldn’t to be

Е) I want to be

5. Choose the comparative degree: It is … today than it was yesterday.

А) Hot

В) Warm

С) Warmer

Д) The warmest

Е) Good

6. Find the right variant: We turned the house upside down but we couldn't find your ring .…

А) Everywhere.

В) Nowhere.

С) Nome where.

Д) Anywhere.

Е) Nothing.

7. Choose the right variant: Jack London Is an American ______.

А) writer

В) engineer

С) president

Д) actor

Е) discoverer

8. Complete the sentence using superlative adjective form: What's _______ way of getting from here to the station?

А) The quickly

В) The most quick

С) Most the quickest

Д) More quicker

Е) The quickest

9. Find the sentence with a possessive noun:

А) It's cold.

В) Ann's a nurse.

С) Jane's husband is ill.

Д) He's my friend.

Е) Peter's a teacher.

10. Choose the Present Perfect variant: This is the most interesting novel I________.

А) read

В) was reading

С) to read

Д) has read

Е) have ever read

11. Complete the sentence: … students study French at the University.

А) Anything.

В) Anywhere.

С) Some

Д) Anybody.

Е) Nobody.

12. Choose the right number: His [4] children were born in London.

А) Five

В) One

С) Two

Д) Four

Е) Three

13. Find the Present Perfect: The doctor … been sent for.

А) It.

В) Has

С) Was.

Д) Were

Е) Have.

14. Find the right variant: Nobody knew where he …:

А) Will live.

В) Lived.

С) Live.

Д) Lives.

Е) Living.

15. Choose the correct word: Astana _______the north-western part of the Sary Arka

А) Brings

В) Takes

С) Gets

Д) Located

Е) Occupies

16. Find the Present Simple: I don't think it will make her … her mind

А) Changes

В) To change

С) Changing

Д) Changed

Е) Change

17. Choose the superlative: Almaty is … city in Kazakhstan.

А) the largest

В) larger

С) the larger

Д) more large

Е) large

18. Choose the Past Simple: If I ___ in the country house I would have three dogs and a lot of cats.

А) Lived.

В) Is living.

С) Will live.

Д) Lives.

Е) Has lived.

19. Choose the right variant: The air hostess told the passengers to ______ their seat belts.

А) Bring

В) Tightening

С) Put up

Д) Attach

Е) Fasten

20. Choose the right variant: What river does London stand?

А) The Thames

В) The Times

С) The Severn

Д) The Pacific

Е) The Atlantic

21. Choose the Present Perfect: Я знаю Асана два года.

А) I been known Asan for 2 years.

В) I had been known Asan for 2 years.

С) I have known Asan for 2 years.

Д) I know Asan for 2 years.

Е) I knew Asan for 2 years

22. Choose the correct answer: _____a good clothes shop not far from here.

А) There have

В) There will

С) There is

Д) There be

Е) There are

23. Complete the Present Simple: They ______ their English in the morning.

А) Has

В) Have

С) Is having

Д) Had been

Е) Was having

24. Complete with the verb in passive voice: This room ______ yesterday.

А) Were cleaned

В) Cleaned

С) Was cleaned

Д) Are being cleaned

Е) Has cleaned

25. Choose the right pronoun: I see _________ in the mirror.

А) My

В) I

С) He

Д) They

Е) Myself

26. Complete the Comparative: Your dog is ______than your cat.

А) The funnies

В) Funniest

С) Many funnier

Д) Funnier

Е) Funny

27. Choose the Present Continuous: They are having holiday _______.

А) Now

В) So

С) Never

Д) Seldom

Е) Always

28. Choose the correct answer: My wife's mother is my........

А) Brother-in-law

В) Father-in-law

С) Mother-in-law

Д) Aunt

Е) Sister-in-law

29. Choose the correct word: ______ bag is too big.

А) there

В) those

С) -

Д) an

Е) this

30. Choose the right answer in a possessive case: Arman Bolatovich is our _____friend.

А) Families

В) Family's

С) Family

Д) Familys

Е) Familie's

Предмет: Математика, автор: fenffweul