Here is Vicky’s letter to a teenage magazine.
I’m writing to say that teen magazines have been criticized rightly for giving teenagers the wrong impression on different problems. I buy two girls’ magazines but I might stop soon.
Teen magazines give very strong ideas about what’s “normal”. They are so stereotypical and they don’t let you have an opinion or to be different. Teen magazines make you feel that you should have a certain figure… Sometimes it makes you feel bad about yourself. Why should every girl have exactly the same taste, be exactly the right appearance and size? Real people know they can be themselves and be happy how they are. Why should we follow the standards teen magazine offer?
They don’t know anything about teenagers’ lives and fill their pages with gossip on celebrities that nobody really cares about. There is more to life than make-up and clothes. Most of the things in girls’ magazines are just wrong!!! I’m 15 and I don’t feel comfortable reading them!!! They teach us things that we’re too young to know about. Sometimes I am absolutely shocked by the content and by the language.
I think that magazines should be written by teenagers not adults because they don’t know what our life is like today. Magazines should give more practical advice on things that can really influence us. They also should give a warning of both – bad language and the wrong content. I would like to read a magazine that meets all the demands (отвечает всем требованиям) but I haven’t found one yet.
Vicky, Newcastle
1) Answer the questions.
1. Why are teenage magazines criticized for according to Vicky’s opinion?
2. What do teenage magazines make Vicky feel?
3. Why does Vicky feel uncomfortable reading teens’ magazines?
4. Who should write magazines according to Vicky’s opinion?
5. What information should teens’ magazines give?
6. What teens’ magazines do you read? Why?
1 According to Vicky's opinion teen magazines are stereotypical, and they give teenagers the wrong impression on different problems.
2 Sometimes teenage magazines make Vicky feel bad about herself.
3 She feels uncomfortable reading teens' magazines because they make her feel that she should have a certain figure.., they teach things that teens are too young to know about... She is shocked by the contents and by the language.
4 According to Vicky's opinion magazines should be written by teens but not by adults.
5 Magazines should give more practical advice on things that can really influence teens. They should meet all teen's demands.
6 As for me, I sometimes read the magazine 'Liza' because I like knitting. 6 (перевод: Что касается лично меня, то я иногда читаю журнал Лиза, так как я люблю вязать.) Здесь можно написать любой жунал)
1 По мнению Вики, подростковые журналы стереотипны, и они дают подросткам неверное представление о различных проблемах.
2 Иногда подростковые журналы заставляют Вики чувствовать себя неловко.
3. Она чувствует себя неуютно, читая журналы для подростков, потому что они заставляют её чувствовать, что у нее должна быть определенная фигура..., они учат вещам, для которых подростки слишком ещё молоды, чтобы знать это. Она в шоке от содержания и от языка.
По мнению Вики, журналы должны быть написаны подростками, но не взрослыми.
5 Журналы должны давать больше практических советов о вещах, которые действительно могут повлиять на подростков. Они должны отвечать всем требованиям подростка.
6 Что касается меня, то я иногда читаю журнал "Лиза", потому что люблю вязать. ( Здесь можно написать любой свой журнал, что вы читаете.)