помогите!!!Решите пожалуйста эти все задания.Срочно надо.Плиззз.Всё во вложениях.Да и пожалуйста проверьте 1 задание.Помогите!Через час идти в англ шк.Зпраннее огромное огромное спасибо!!!!!!!!!!!

Unit 12. ex.1
1) on
2) won't
3) people
4) don't
5) will
6) too
2) But what if there's none in the shop? - I'll get that Jackie Chan film.
3) But what if it's too expensive? - We'll go to a burger place.
4) But what if the sea's too rough? - We'll just lie on the beach and sunbathe.
2) ...buy a plate.
3)... go hiking.
4) ... take some photos.
5) ... go camping.
6) ... go on sightseeing.
ex. 2
1) I'd rather stay at home...
2) I'd rather go to Cancun.
3) I'd rather stay in a hotel.
4) I'd ather go to the beach.
5) I'd rather send him...
ex. 3
1) Let's go camping. - I'd rather go hiking.
2) Let's go sightseeing. - I'd rather buy souvenirs.
3) Let's go to Thailand. - I'd rather go to Singapore.
4) Let's stay with relatives. - I'd rather stay with friends.