Предмет: Английский язык, автор: mrxomyak1

now write about your favorite animal


Автор ответа: Valeri111111111
My Favourite Animal I like all kinds of animals and I think that people should treat them better. I’m against any violence towards animals. Speaking about domestic animals, I have several pets at home. It’s my parrot Kesha, my cat Liza and my dog Bobby. Of course, I like all them, since I’ve had them from childhood. However, my favourite animal is dog. I simply adore dogs of various breeds. Mine is a French Bulldog of a black colour with rare white spots. It’s not tall but is fat. It has a funny face with big ears and almost no tail. Bobby is a wonderful dog and a faithful friend. I think it also likes us, because it often shows deep affection. When necessary, Bobby can become rather protective and scare the enemies away. The distinctive feature of this breed is its stubborn nature, so it’s not easy to train such dogs. They require lots of patience and repetition. In my opinion, the dogs’ role in human society is invaluable. Apart from being a good friend, they have always performed the role of a hunter, a herder, a protector, a military or police companion and most importantly a guide for the handicapped people. Some dogs are so intelligent that they are trained to look for criminals or victims of natural disasters. They can easily sniff out explosives or drugs, so the police often consider them to be the best helpers. I was surprised to know that when a police dog dies, it receives a full funeral. Sometimes, when dealing with unpleasant and traitorous people, I think that they should learn a lot from dogs. These animals never betray their friends. They can easily maintain lifelong relations, unlike many humans.

mrxomyak1: а можно короче
Valeri111111111: My Favourite Animal

Kangaroo is my favourite animal. It lives in Australia. It has got a long tail and strong legs. It can jump well. Kangaroo likes to eat leaves. You can see it in the Zoo. It’s a funny animal.
mrxomyak1: сасяб
Автор ответа: Volkh

My favorite animal is koala.

Koalas have soft, wool-like grey fur. They have a large, round head with large, round, furry ears, a large nose and long strong limbs with sharp claws. The koala look like little bear,  but the koala  ‘bear’ is not a bear at all. Koala is a marsupial mammal.

Eucalyptus trees are the primary habitat of Koalas and they are rarely observed anywhere else.

Koalas are very fussy. Koalas eat only leaves and bark from eucalyptus trees.

Koalas get a lot of moisture from eucalyptus leaves, so they don’t have to drink a lot of water, because  in Aboriginal language, the word Koala is thought to mean "does not drink".

    Koalas vary in size and color depending on where they live in Australia.

    A baby Koala is called a joey.  Joeys are only around 2 cm long when born and like most other marsupials, Koala mothers keep their joeys in their pouch for around 6 months.

   Koalas can live up to 10 years in the wild. Because of cutting down of  eucalyptus forest in the 20th century population of koalas declined to such an extent that they were included in the endangered animals list.

Коалы имеют мягкую шерсть, серый мех.  У них большая, круглая  голова с большими, круглыми, пушистыми ушами, большой нос и длинные сильные конечности с острыми когтями. Коала выглядит как медведь, но коала  не медведь вовсе. Коала сумчатые млекопитающие.
Эвкалиптовые деревья  являются основным местом обитания коал, и они редко встречаются  в другом месте.
Коалы очень привередливы. Коалы едят только листья и кору с деревьев эвкалипта.
Коалы получают  много влаги из листьев эвкалипта, так что они не должны пить много воды, потому что в языке аборигенов, слово коала означает  "не пьет".
    Коалы различаются по размеру и цвету в зависимости от того, где они живут в Австралии.
    Ребенок Коала называется детеныш.  Детеныши  длинной  всего около 2 см, когда рождается  и как  большинство других сумчатых, Коала матери держат их детенышей  в их сумке около 6 месяцев.
   Коалы могут жить до 10 лет в дикой природе. Из-за вырубки эвкалиптовых лесов в популяции 20-го века коал сократилось до такой степени, что они были включены в список находящихся под угрозой исчезновения животных.

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