Предмет: Русский язык, автор: kseunka

Задание:Если прийти в библиотеку ночью или посто внимательно прислушаться,можно услышать много интересного.Что именно как,вы думаете?
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Автор ответа: Vika1268809643
"Подслушанный разговор"
Однажды я решила прочитать немного книг чтобы развлечься и пошла в старую библиотеку. Про эту библиотеку ходят легенды, якобы если внимательно прислушаться,можно услышать разговоры книг. Удивительно, когда я зашла, в библиотеке никого небыло. Я взяла нужные книги и в ожидании чего - нибудь необыкновенного тихо села за стол.
В библиотеке была "оглушающая" тишина. Я не слышала ничего,кроме своих мыслей. Мне очень понравилась книга которую я читала, я полностью погрузилась в неё и не могла прирваться. И вдруг... Я услышала какие - то шорохи и листание страниц. Но в зале никого не было. Дальше я прекратила читать и начала прислушиваться к книгам. Я услышала разные рассказы и сказки книг, шум морей и птиц, звук костра и песни. Это было чудесно. Книги и правда умеют разговаривать. Я заметила какие именно книги разговпривали, они меня не видели, а я с удовольствием подслушивала, но их разговор был еле слышен, поэтому я нихонько отодвинула стул и начала к ним приближаться. С каждым шагом были истории всё интереснее. Так же я слышала и пугающие истории и даже споры этих книг. Вскоре я приблизилась совсем близко и нечаяно издала шорох ногой. Книги сразу хлопнули и замолкли. Я чувствовала одновременно и восхищение и расстройство.
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Revision “ Global issues”
A. Circle the correct answer.

1. I felt under the --- and mom let me stay at home and not go to school.
A climate B weather C clouds
2. Lots of cars in the streets produce toxic---which pollute the environment.
A fumes B fog C flames
3. After the earthquake almost all the town lay --- ruins.
A on B in C by
4. When visiting London don’t --- the chance to visit the Madame Tussaud’s Museum.
A leave B miss C lose
5. Because of ---rains the lower part of the city was flooded.
A huge B massive C heavy
6. The prime minister couldn’t arrive on time and the press conference was called--- .
A out B off C for
7. Before the flight the plane --- give the passengers all the essential information.
A. team B crew C staff

B. Fill in the missing words. Three words are not necessary.

*legendary * rescue * breeze * tsunami * avalanche * occur * generate *flood * horrific * frost
* collapse

8. After the trauma Bruce suffered---pains and had to take medications.
9. The disaster caused the bridges and buildings to---and the roads to crack.
10. After the ---hit the village, it was almost buried after the snow.
11. Che Gevara was a --- rebel who led the revolutionary movement in Cuba.
12. Drought can --- in an area when there is no rain for a long period of time.
13. The --- team was looking for people who survived after the hit of a huge wave.
14. I love the light --- blowing from the sea.
15. A terrible --- caused by long lasting rains has destroyed many houses in the village.

C. Underline the correct item.

16. He avoids to travel/travelling by plane because of his phobia.
17. Helen will never forget dancing/to dance with Tom Hanks at the party.
18. Let’s spend our weekend to shop/shopping downtown.
19. Mark has decided to become/becoming a lawyer as his father.
20. If you want to be successful you should use/to use your imagination.
21. Julia is looking forward to getting/to get a mail from her boyfriend.
22. Looking at Tom’s funny face I couldn’t help laughing/to laugh.
23. Dad, really I promise to look/looking after my younger sister.
24. What you can do/to do is just not to mind your business.
25. Don’t let him to eat/eat ice cream or he will get a sore throat.

D. Complete the sentences with the words derived from the words in bold.(-ance \ence\ -tion)

31. The --- of a very important letter was a shock for the ambassador.
32. You can’t deny the ---of illegal workers at your factory, they were caught on the camera.
33. What are your --- in food? prefer
34. Thanks to the generous --- new houses were built in the area that suffered from the hurricane. donate
35. We were given a task to make a project about the --- of the environment. protect

E. Fill in the correct preposition.
1. A lot of doctors were called ______ to help people after the air crash.
2. Call ______ sometime and we’ll watch the new DVD together.
3. The meeting was called ______ but we still don’t know why.
4. A nurse often calls ______ my granny because she is not well.
5. The tsunami in Indonesia called_______ immediate action.