Помогите пожалуйста решить, хотя бы частично. Заранее спасибо)

8) 1. I did not know that you already had read this book.
2. He said that the bus would be here soon.
3. We understood at once that this control work was a difficult one.
4. They decided that they would bring us all the books we need.
5.The students wanted to know when they would pass their examinations.
9)1.Does our teacher know several foreign languages?
How many languages does our teacher speak?
Our teacher knows several foreign languages, doesn't she/he?
Does our teacher know several foreign languages or does she/he know one foreign language?
Who does know several foreign languages?
2.Has he graduated from our University last year?
What University has he graduated from?
He has graduated from our University last year, hasn't he?
Has he graduated from our University last year or has he graduated from our University two years ago?
Who has graduated from our University last year?