Предмет: Русский язык, автор: zheckolten2017

маленькое сочинение на тему традиции моей семьи


Автор ответа: annaburyak777

Небольшое сочинение на тему "Традиции моей семьи" предлагаю составить так:

У нашей семьи есть свои традиции. Каждый Новый год мы встречаем обязательно вместе, ведь как его встретишь, так и проведешь. Папа всегда запекает утку, а мама готовит кекс. Затем мы делимся историями уходящего года, смеемся и веселимся. Следующая традиция связана с празднованием Дня Победы. Мы обязательно идем на парад, возлагаем цветы, а затем отправляемся в филармонию.

Есть в нашей семье и традиции, не связанные с праздниками. Это посиделки субботними зимними вечерами. С осени по весну каждую субботу мы устраиваем чаепитие, играем в настольные игры, делимся переживаниями и даем советы. Я обожаю такие вечера. Семейные традиции объединяют наш небольшой коллектив, делают его более дружным и гармоничным.

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Task 1. Reading: True or False Foreign travel has been beyond most of us for the past 18 months because of restrictions caused by the coronavirus pandemic. However, there are signs of hope for us to resume our sojourns to exotic and faraway places. The National Geographic magazine has released its list of the top 25 travel destinations for 2022. The list consists of five categories: adventure, culture and history, family, nature and sustainability. George Stone, Nat Geo's executive editor for travel, explained the rationale behind the list and how covid-19 helped shape it. He said: "In many ways, the pandemic provided a moment for travellers and communities around the world to reflect and regroup on how we explore the world." The list includes a visit to London's Tin Pan Alley, famed for its music history, and a tour of Hokkaido, Japan, renowned for the unique heritage of its indigenous Ainu people. For nature lovers, exploring Namibia's Caprivi Strip is recommended for its abundance of natural wildlife. Mr Stone said the pandemic has made people choosier about their vacations. He said: "People are going to be making much more conscientious choices…so we wanted…specific ideas about what is a unique, revealing and safe destination for the year ahead." He added: "These superlative destinations speak of resilient communities, innovative conservation efforts, and thrilling opportunities for future exploration."

1. The article says no one has travelled in the past year and a half.    

2. National Geographic divided its recommendations into five categories.    

3. Nat Geo said coronavirus affected the choices on its list of 25 places.    

4. Nat Geo said the pandemic let travellers think about future travel.    

5. A place in Japan that is famous for music is on the Nat Geo list.    

6. Nat Geo suggested people who love nature could go to Namibia.     

7. People are getting pickier about where they want to go on vacation.    

8. The article says there are few exciting destinations left to visit.     ​
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