Предмет: Математика, автор: оразбиби

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Автор ответа: AkiraTyan42
Автор ответа: юьисяэдопвфъзшнкц
35*2 = 70
35 * 5 = 175
35 * 10 = 350
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Twenty-six years ago Carl Boenish took a team of skydivers to Yosemite National Park, USA, and jumped with them from EL Captain’s summit. The sport developed into BASE jumping, named after the four types of fixed ob­jects people jump from: Building, Antenna, Span (bridge) and Earth (cliff).

Due to the legislation surrounding it, many BASE jumpers keep their hobby a secret, so it’s difficult to say how many are involved in the sport. Estimated figures are very low — there are probably fewer than 1500 across the world.

Different countries have different attitudes towards BASE jumping. In the USA, the act of BASE jumping is not illegal, although the owners of high bridges and buildings do not usually permit people to jump from them. There are tight regulations against the sport in American and Australian national parks. One of the few countries that welcomes BASE jumping is Malaysia, home to two of the world’s highest buildings.

It is the danger of the sport that lures people to it. Comparably, skydiv­ing is very safe. For some people skydiving begins to feel too safe and they move on to BASE jumping to recapture the sense of excitement.

The main thrill experienced is a sensation called ground rush. BASE jump­ers fall from heights much lower than those considered safe by sky divers. Though they do not reach the same speeds, they accelerate more quickly du­ring their fall. At the fastest part of a skydiver’s fall the ground is still dis­tant, but BASE jumpers see it approaching them at an incredible speed.

Maybe BASE jumpers are mad, but they also have great skill and focus. They have to know how to manoeuvre and land with total accuracy, as there no room for mistakes. Anyone considering BASE jumping should already be an experienced skydiver. Attempting a BASE jump without necessary knowledge or experience is suicidal.

No one can deny that BASE jumping is an incredibly dangerous sport. The jumpers are much shorter than those undertaken by skydivers, leaving little time to open the parachute, or sort out problems if the arise. Such problems can often be fatal.

However, some BASE jumping enthusiasts insist that the risks are ex­aggerated, and can be kept to a minimum if the jumps are carried out cor­rectly. Many claim that strict laws against jumping in national parks force them to jump in unsafe conditions, often from very dangerous low cliff edges with unsuitable equipment.

But even at organized jumps, casualties are expected with ambulances on stand-by for anticipated broken ankles or more serious injuries.


1) BASE jumping is...

a) because it’s permitted not every­where

2) BASE jumpers keep their hobby a secret…

b) and approach the ground at the highest speed

3) Malaysia is home to…

c) if the jumps are carried out cor­rectly

4) BASE jumpers fall from heights...

d) so they land with total accuracy

5) BASE jumpers have great skill...

e) an acronym for building, antenna, span and earth

6) The risks can be kept to a mini­mum ...

f) two of the world’s highest build­ings​