Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: add381
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главная библиотека Южной Кореи, расположенная в столице страны Сеуле. Основана в 1945 году. Содержит более 7 млн единиц хранения, включая около 1 млн томов на иностранных языках. Некоторые книги из собрания библиотеки входят в список «Национальные сокровища Южной Кореи». В 1974 году библиотека переехала из района Согондон в район Намсандон, а в 1988 — на нынешнее место, в район Панпходон, округ Сочхогу Сеула. В 1991 году управление библиотекой перешло от Министерства образования к Министерству культуры.
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the main library of South Korea, located in the capital, Seoul. Founded in 1945. Contains over 7 million items, including about 1 million volumes in foreign languages. Some of the books from the collection of the library included in the list of "National treasures of South Korea". In 1974 the library moved from the area Salondon in district Namangan, in 1988 to its present location, in the heart of Papadon, Seochogu district of Seoul. In 1991, the library management moved from the Ministry of education to the Ministry of culture.
Автор ответа:
Main Library of South Korea, located in the capital, Seoul. It founded in 1945. Containing more than 7 million items, including about 1 million volumes in foreign languages. Some of the books from the library of the meeting are included in the list of "National treasures of South Korea." In 1974 the library moved from the area Sogondon Namsandon the area, and in 1988 - to its present location, in the district Panphodon, District Sochhogu Seoul. In 1991, the library management was transferred from the Ministry of Education to the Ministry of Culture.
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