Предмет: Другие предметы, автор: Iadynalada2007

Какие праздники есть в исламе??


Автор ответа: DashaDesh
В Исламе 2 праздника - Курбан байрам (Идд аль-Адха) и Ураза Байрам (Идд аль-Фитр) .

И еще есть священные ночи:
Лайлатуль-кадр – ночь предопределения и могущества - это ночь ниспослания Корана в священный месяц месяц Рамазан.

Ми‘радж – чудесного перенесения Пророка Мухаммада (мир ему и благословение) из Мекки в Иерусалим, а оттуда вознесения в небесное царство (Ми‘радж) .

Мавлид – торжество в честь рождения Пророка Мухаммада (мир ему и благословение) ,

День ‘Ашура. 10-й день священного месяца Мухаррам. Раджаб и ша‘бан – эти месяцы тоже считаются священными. В эти месяцы желательно увеличивать благие деяния, пост, садака и др.

но у меня один вопрос,Зачеем??

Iadynalada2007: Мне надо таблицу заполнять!
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Необходимо переаести текст и ответить на вопросы VOLGOGRAD

Volgograd is situated in the South-East of the European part of Russia on the river Volga. It was founded in 1589 as a fortress, defending trade routes from the Tartars. It was named Tsaritsyn.
In the 19-th century it became a big industrial city and one of the most important strategic points in the Russian State. In 1925 the city was renamed as Stalingrad and in 1961 it got the name of Volgograd.
The city is famous all over the world for the victory of the Soviet soldiers and officers over the fascists in the Battle of Stalingrad during the Great Patriotic War. Many places of the city are linked with those war days and remind us of them. They are: the Mamayev Hill, Pavlov House, the Destroyed Mill and many others.
Now it is a beautiful modern city with high buildings, schools, institutes, universities, theatres and museums. Volgograd attracts a lot of tourists, especially in spring and summer due to the warm climate, a plenty of fruit and vegetables and because of the Volga beach.
Volgograd is an industrial city. There are a lot of factories and plants. The city is rich in sights such as the Fallen Fighters` Square, the Planetarium, the New Experimental Theatre, the Central Department Store, the Central Embankment, the Museum-Panorama of Stalingrad Battle and others.
As for me my favourite attraction of Volgograd is… because…

4. Answer the questions.

1. Where is Volgograd situated?
2. When was Tsaritsyn founded?
3. When was it renamed Stalingrad? Volgograd?
4. What is the city famous for?
5. What sights of Volgograd are linked with the Great Patriotic War?
6. What other places of interest do you know in the city?
7. What is your favourite attraction of Volgograd? Why?