Помогите решить задание с reported speech. Два небольших номера, спасибо! Даю много баллов

1) If you want to ask me a question, put your hand up.
2) I have stated very clearly several times already that this government is not
going to be blackmailed by terrorists.
3) The general ordered the soldiers to retreat, which they did as quickly as
they could!
4) Isabelle told us that story about the giraffe. I love that story!
5) Glenda is still apologizing to me for losing my CD player.
6) If you refused to cooperate with the police, you would have been in big
7) I'd like to suggest waiting a few more days before we make a final decision.
8) The politician denied having done anything wrong, despite the evidence
against him.
9) I agreed to help you with your homework, not do it all for you!
10) Some thieves claim to be electricity meter readers so they can gain
access to people's houses.
Getting a mortgage
1 Someone told me a few months ago that getting a mortgage would be easy. How
2 wrong they were! When I first went into the bank, I asked them how much I could
3 borrow.They refused to answer even such a simple question, saying that I had to
4 find a house before they could tell me whether they would have lend me the
5 money or not. I thought this was ridiculous and so told a white lie, saying that
6 I had already found a house.They finally said they would lend me the money, so
7 that was great.Then the problems started. A few weeks later a friend told me about
8 a wonderful flat that was for sale. He suggested our buying it together because it was
9 so large and I agreed. When I went back to the bank and said I was planning to
10 buy a flat with a friend, the bank manager denied doing that he ever said the bank
11 would give me a mortgage and claimed that he had looked at my finances and knew
12 I wasn't earning enough to borrow money. I begged him to have another look at my
13 records as I knew he was wrong. Finally, he agreed to reconsider my case and
14 eventually sent me a letter which stated that the bank would quite happy to give me
15 a mortgage. By then, though, it was too late as someone else had bought the flat!