Предмет: Английский язык, автор: fomans2013

Канада страна возможностей!
10 предложений на английском, почему ты с согласен с этим утверждением или нет


Автор ответа: БОГ743
Canada the land of opportunity!After receiving permanent resident status after 3 years you can apply for citizenship (for comparison, a similar period in the US – 5 years). Every canadian citizen with a passport could enter without a visa in most developed countries. By the way, Canada now belongs to the countries with the most developed economy: several years country included in TOP list of countries with the best standard of living.There are several advantages of immigration to Canada:In Canada a good system of social security for all who reside legally available free health care and education. Pay pensions and benefits for the elderly and disabled. Payment receive and the people who at the time were without a livelihood. Many additional activities for children are free of charge;the crime rate in Canada is almost the lowest. This is achieved by a high indigenous culture and well-trained police;In Canada, a beautiful environment – the state and the people themselves do not allow pollution of the environment. In a country of pure waters, and in big cities – a large number of parks and street trees;In Canada not treat the immigrants as second-class citizens (unlike many other countries). The fact that the majority of Canadians are immigrants in the second or fourth generation. Immigration policy has taught the inhabitants of the country to the constant influx of new citizens. Well, we should say that citizenship is granted only to educated people with specialty. This means that from the really dangerous immigrants, the country protects itself.Of Canada's immigration programs allow you to find suitable options for obtaining permanent citizenship people with working professions, professionals, businessmen, self-employed, students, relatives of canadian citizens, representatives of creative professions.

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