Напишите пожалуйста небольшое сочинение на английском о пьесе Шекспира " Гамлет"
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This story took place in ancient times, in a distant country called Denmark. The king of Denmark lived with his wife and son, whose name was Prince Hamlet. Hamlet was a warrior who defeated the king of another state in a duel. When Hamlet was sent to study in Germany, the king's brother Hamlet's uncle, poisoned his father, the king, and married the king's widow, the Queen of Denmark. So Hamlet's uncle became king of Denmark instead of his brother.
Soon Hamlet arrives in Denmark and meets the ghost of his father, who tells him everything. Hamlet wants to revenge on his uncle.
One of the king's attendants had a daughter, Ophelia, by name, who was very fond of Hamlet. Hamlet kills her father quite accidentally, by stabbing a carpet with his sword, thinking he was killing his uncle the King. Ophelia is going crazy. Soon after that, she drowns, and she is buried.
Laertes, Ophelia's brother, meets Hamlet in a duel. He has a poisoned sword in his hand. But Hamlet kills Laertes. Then Hamlet is given a poisoned drink, he drinks it and dies. His mother, the queen, also drinks such a drink and she also dies. Hamlet's uncle also dies. Now the son of the king of another country, whom Hamlet once defeated in a fair fight, becomes the ruler of Denmark.