Предмет: Английский язык, автор: AlesyaDreamer

20. My sister_____ speak French when she was only six years old.
a) was b) should c) could d) had

21. I really enjoy ______ new languages and I’d like to learn Italian soon.
a) to learn b) learning c) learn d) learned

22. My father has been a pilot _____ twenty years and he still loves his job.
a) since b) for c) until d) by

23. Quick – get the food inside! It _____ any moment.
a) rains b) is raining c) is going to rain d) can rain

24. Sam asked me if I_____ a lift home after the concert.
a) had wanted b) wanted c) would want d) want

25. Which train _____ for when I saw you on the platform on Saturday?
a) did you wait b)were you waiting
c) have you waited d) are you waiting

26. I _____ not be home this evening. Phone me on my mobile.
a) can b) could c) may d) should

27. If we _____in the countryside, we’d have much better views than we do now.
a) lived b) were live c) would live d) live

28. You _______hurry as we’ve still got twenty minutes before the film starts.
a) mustn’t b) can’t c) may not d) needn’t

29. I wanted to see Harry. How long ago ______?
a) he left b) has he left c) did he leave
d) could he leave
30. I wish Joe _______ to Hawaii on holiday. They’re talking about an eruption there on the news.
a) doesn’t go b) didn’t go c) hasn`t gone
d) hadn’t gone
31. Could I possibly ______ some money for the bus fare home? I’ve lost my bag.
a) lend b) owe c) borrow d) need

32. People say that an avalanche ______ by loud noises in the area but I don’t know if that’s true.
a) causes b) has caused c) is causing
d) is caused

33. I must remember ______ Ed to take notes for me while I’m away next week.
a) ask b) to ask c) asking
d) for asking

34. Look at the news! Three cars _____ in a bad accident on the motorway at Dartford.
a) are involving b) involve c) have involved d) have been involved

35. I ______ for arriving so late but I was caught up in a traffic jam in the town centre.
a) sorry b) regret c) apologise d) afraid

36. It was great to see you at the party. I didn’t realize how long ______ since we last met.
a) it had been b) it was been c) it was being d) it is been

37. I’m sorry to trouble you but I was wondering what _______.
a) time it is b) the time was c) is the time? d) was the time?

38. I really wish people _____ dump litter in front of our house. We have to clear it up every day.
a) won’t b) wouldn’t c) haven’t d) don’t

39. Last Tuesday the company told Ruth that they’d emailed her the job details the ______ day.
a) last b) before c) previous d) earlier

40. The studio lights went out while the footballer _______.
a) had been interviewed b) was interviewed
c)was being interviewed d) was interviewing

41. By the time I hand in this project, I _______ on it for three weeks!
a) ‘ll be working b) ‘ll have been working c) have worked d) ‘ll work
42. You should be very proud _______ what you’ve achieved over the last year.
a) of b) on c) to d) for

43. _______ people know this but our school is being inspected today.
a) little b) any c) none d) few

44. Look out for a petrol station because I think we’re going to run _______ of petrol soon.
a) down b) out c) off d) through


Автор ответа: waffelhaus
my sister could speak french when she was only six years old

i really enjoy learning new languages and 'd like to learn Italian soon

my father has been a pilot for twenty years and he still loves his job

quick - get the food inside!  it is going to rain at any moment

sam asked me if i wanted a lift home after the concert

which train were you waiting for when i saw you on the platform on Saturday?

i may not be home this evening.  phone me on my mobile

if we lived in the countryside, we'd have much better views than we do now.

you needn't hurry as we've still got twenty minutes before the film starts

i wanted to see harry.  how long ago did he leave?

i wish Joe hadn't gone to Hawaii on holiday.  they're talking about an eruption there on the news.

could i possibly borrow some money for the bus fare home?  I've lost my bag.

people say that an avalanche is caused by loud noises in the area but i don't know if that's true

i must remember to ask Ed to take notes for me while I'm away next week.

look at the news! three cars have been involved in a bad accident on the motorway at Dartford.

i apologize for arriving so late but i was caught up in a traffic jam in the town centre.

it was great to see you at the party.  i didn't realize how long it had been since we last met.

I'm sorry to trouble you but i was wondering what (time it is, is the time) - both would be OK

i really wish people wouldn't dump litter in front of our house.  we have to clear it up every day

last Tuesday the company told Ruth that they'd emailed her the job details the previous day.

the studio lights went out while the football player was being interviewed.

by the time i hand in this project, I'll have been working on it for three weeks!

you should be very proud of what you've achieved over the last year

few people know this but our school is being inspected today

look out for a petrol station because i think we're going to run out of petrol soon

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Любопытную историю поведала россиянка Татьяна Леонова.
– Мне тогда было девять лет. Однажды отец взял меня с собой в командировку. Заехали мы к знакомому чабану Сагынбаю по пути.
Помню, как за столом круглолиций чабан что-то тихо сказал отцу, и мужчины тотчас поднялись и вышли на улицу. За ними пошла и я. Они направились в коровник. Заглянув внутрь, я увидела серое существо. Это был пришелец. У него была огромная голова, примерно в два раза больше, чем у человека, и огромные чёрные глаза на пол-лица. Осо-
бенно запомнились мне его короткие ресниц...
Позднее отец рассказал мне подробности этого случая.
Оказывается, Сагынбай проснулся ночью и увидел вдалеке за цистерной непонятное свечение. Он решил разузнать, что это, и взнуздал коня. Вскоре он добрался до огромного кратера, на дне которого торчал огромный серебряный диск. Чабан увидел неподалёку чёрный камень, похожий на огромное яйцо. Вдруг камень раскрылся, а из него наружу выполз пришелец. Чуть выше чабана был он ростом, худые очень были у него руки и ноги.
Сагынбай отъехал в сторону, решив понаблюдать за внеземным существом, а оно вдруг направилось к нему. Чабан не растерялся, уступил инопланетянину свою лошадь и отвёл домой. У жены при его виде округлились глаза, но Сагынбай велел ей быстро сварить бесбармак для инопланетного гостя. Когда хозяйка принесла бесбармак, инопланетянин отказался от мяса, а вот тесто поел. А ещё ему понравился курт.
Всю ночь пришелец не спал, а сидел перед столом, закрыв глаза.
Увидел чабан на следующее утро, что едет к ним военный УАЗ. Видимо, информация о пришельце дошла и до военных. Он спрятал его на сеновале. Военные, расспросив чабана, но так ничего и не добившись от него, вскоре уехали.
Жило две недели существо внеземное у чабана. Пришелец всегда ходил на ципочках. Казалось, он понимал всё, что ему говорили.
А 26 июня 1979 года он исчез.

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Предмет: Математика, автор: gagahjafdyudjdj