Предмет: История, автор: Апоролин

почему князь Владимир назвали Красное Солнышко!Почему солнышко ,а не солнце?


Автор ответа: iovgenko
 Есть две версии я расскажу о второй:
После спасения от печенегов Владимир устроил огромный пир, но в отличии от всех остальных пиров он пригласил всех из ближайших городов, кроме бояр и старейшин. Бедные и нищие могли идти во дворец и брать еду. Впоследствии такие пиры проводились ежегодно. Таким образом князь использовал метод римских цезарей "хлеба и зрелищ", так он завоевывал свое уважение народа. После этого его стали называть Красное Солнышко. Они очень любили его, поэтому называли ласково Солнышко :)
Автор ответа: Апоролин
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Ещё раз очень прошу помочь с ответами ! И благодарю всех кто помог в прошлый раз и поможет в этот...
1.There are about five … in Great Britain.
a) thousands libraries
b) thousand library
c) thousand libraries
d) thousandth libraries
2.In those years, … of the top people had been to public schools.
a) a two-third
b) two-thirds
c) the two-thirds
d) the two-third
3.As a result of privacy, companies lose an estimated minimum of … dollars a year.
a) four billion
b) the four billion of
c) four billion of
d) four billions
4.His best-known book was published before … World War.
a) the Secondth
b) a Second
c) the Second
d) Second
5.Glasgow is … city in Britain.
a) a third large
b) the third largest
c) the third larger
d) a third largest
6.About … the total population of the UK lives in the Greater London area.
a) the fifeth from
b) a fifth from
c) the fifth of
d) a fifth of
7.This firm has to invest approximately … dollars into the technology industry.
a) a hundred billion
b) hundred billion
c) hundred billions
d) hundreds of billion
8.It was a very popular radio and television comedy of … .
a) 1980s
b) the 1980th
c) the 1980s
d) 1980th
9.About … of people in Britain live in towns and cities rather than in villages or countryside.
a) a seventy-five percent
b) seventy-five percent
c) seventy five percents
d) seventy five of percents
10.They should start … time their expedition to the North.
a) second time
b) the secondth
c) the second
d) a second
11.The process of unification took … years.
a) several hundred
b) several hundreds
c) several hundred of
d) a several hundred
12.The present queen in the country is universally known as … .
а) “Elizabeth Second”
b) “Elizabeth the Second”
c) “Elizabeth Two”
d) “Elizabeth the Two”
13.England is only one of … nations of the British Isles (England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland).
a) four
b) fouth
c) the forth
d) the four
14. … of people are still actively involved in charity work.
a) Tens of thousand
b) Tens thousands
c) Tens of thousands
d) Ten of thousands
15.The lawyer referred to … of the Constitution.
a) the Article 6th
b) Article 6th
c) the Article 6
d) Article 6
16.It was … painting.
a) a nineteenth-century
b) a nineteen-century
c) nineteenth-century
d) the nineteenth-century
17.The Highlands occupies the same area as southern England but fewer than … people live there.
a) millions
b) million
c) the million
d) a million
18.Please, children, line up by … !
a) a dozens
b) a dozen
c) dozens
d) dozen
19.She knew, of course, that Peter had long been ... love ... her.
a) with, to
b) in, for
c) in, with
20. ... that point, what had happened ... me?
a) From, to
b) On, with
c) In, to
21. ... many seconds I listened ... its sound as it hit against the sides of the pit below.
a) To, -
b) For, to
c) In, on
22.My cousin was going to marry .... this young lady, but then he changed his mind.
a) with
b) to
c) -
23.Finally they arrived ... their door. …. Feeling sad they climbed up the stairs.
a) in, -
b) to, by
c) at, -
24.I want you to tell me ... this accident.
a) about
b) on
c) of
25.You should take this medicine ... every meal.
a) across
b) after
c) in
26.They valued my design ... a very small sum.
a) to
b) at
c) for
27.There is something unusual ... my husband and his secretary.
a) between
b) among
c) beyond
28.I am going to improve my English ... visiting London.
a) with
b) by
c) on
29.John never judges ... appearance.
a) on
b) at
c) by
30.If anyone asks ... me, I am ... the factory.
a) to, at
b) of, in
c) about, at
31.I bought this carpet ... Mr. Smith.
a) of
b) from
c) on
32.He terribly suffered ... her treachery.
a) from
b) of
c) on
33.I was engaged ... translating this book from Italian.
a) to
b) for
c) in
34.She didn't answer but she couldn't have been more thrilled ... his decision.
a) with
b) on
c) of
35.«There's no need to talk ... me as though I was a child.»
a) on
b) at
c) to
36.Why don't you translate this text ... Russian?
a) to
b) in
c) into