Предмет: Математика, автор: sagizovtosh



Автор ответа: detector228
1)Находишь угл
2)Пытаешься поставить угольник так, чтобы две стороны угольника были сторонами угла на чертеже
3)если не помещается - угл острый, если угольник меньше - угол тупой, если все получилось - угол прямой

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Careers in Human Resources
A career in human resources involves helping an organization manage its people. This includes hiring and firing, training, compensation, administering benefits and handling the informational side of people management. Human resource managers are frequently in top management roles and are critical to the success of any company. To excel in this role you have to be sensitive to the needs of the other departments and see their perspective. You need to be able to see the big picture to help sell ideas to the other functional managers and to serve them as internal clients. You have to be able to sell HR throughout the organization to come up with solutions that will be most effective.
The human resources field is changing rapidly with increasing use of technology, training and outsourcing. A career in HR promises to keep you busy, engaged and deeply involved in making things happen in your company.
You'll need a wide range of skills for most HR professional jobs. A broad base of business knowledge and background in the social sciences are helpful. The best HR professionals have excellent written and verbal skills, as well as proficiency with computers. Each specialty has its own specific requirements beyond the general background and skill set. Someone taking an entry-level job in HR may not be expected to already have all the specific knowledge described below, but must be ready to learn it quickly on the job or in targeted training courses.
1. Human resources work is office work. While most people think that
"people" skills are the key to being a successful human resource professional, in reality you need a mix of people and technical skills. You collect data, deal with complex paperwork, analyze information, and present finding to top management.
2. HR resources managers must be able to help top managers mold employees to effectively achieve strategic goals in the organization. Thus they must be able to give polished presentations. Simultaneously they need to be able to present human resource policies to and gather information from shop and factory workers who may be hesitant or unable to speak up, and they need to discuss issues and problems with employees one-on-one. Thus HR professionals must be able to have conversations with employees at all levels in the firm from assembly workers to top executives.
3. HR professionals deal with sensitive information concerning compensation, employee performance and productivity, performanc appraisals, problems at work, etc. Thus integrity and extreme discretion are absolutely mandatory in this job.
4. Local, state, and federal regulations about critical business-policy issues change rapidly, and keeping up with them is one of the central struggles of the HR profession. If you take a job in HR, you will need to help your organization deal effectively with issues including: changes in minimum wage; recent changes in the law regarding gender discrimination; health care costs and ongoing government
policymaking on this issue; changes in labor relations law; evolving standards for how employers must deal with disabilities and medical conditions, and so on...
5. HR professionals must be able to set up relationships throughout the organization and keep those relationships. Managers in the other functional areas of the company must rely on you to supply and care for their most important strategic asset: their people. Therefore, you need their trust. HR professionals who have a strong network of relationships across the organization can more effectively perform their jobs and can gain the necessary credibility.
Предмет: Математика, автор: деновлвчд