Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: Sagamori
Перевести биографию Роулинг на английский язык, уровнем 6-7 класса.
Джоан Роулинг – одна из самых известных писательниц современности. Подарив миру серию книг о Гарри Поттере, она вмиг стала популярна и любима во всех уголках земли.
Будущая легендарная писательница родилась в городке Чиппинг Сотбери, расположенном в графстве Глостершир (Англия). Ее отец – Питер Джеймс – был инженером на заводе Rolls-Royce, а мама – Энн Волан – простой домохозяйкой. По материнской линии писательница имеет французские и шотландские корни.
Помимо родителей близким и родным человеком для Джоан всегда была ее младшая сестра Ди. Именно для нее шестилетняя писательница написала свою первую книгу – детскую сказку о приключениях кролика по имени Кролик и мисс Пчелы.
Сдружиться с младшей сестрой еще сильнее Джоан довелось из-за частых переездов их семьи. Завести постоянных друзей было практически невозможно, а потому девочки все свое свободное время проводили вместе. Приятели у сестер Роулинг появились только после переезда в городок Винтербурн.
В 1990-м году Джоан Роулинг покинула организацию вместе со своими бой-френдом решила переехать в Манчестер. Поезд, в котором ехала девушка, задержали на четыре часа. В этот момент, Джоан вдруг, четко представила себе концепцию романа. Приехав домой, девушка сразу же начала писать. Таким образом, были созданы первые главы.
Последующие части книги были написаны Португалии, Джоан отправилась преподавать английский язык. Тут писательница познакомилась со своим будущим мужем Хорхе Арантесом. Пара начала встречаться, а вскоре официально узаконила свои отношения. В июле 1993-го у пары родилась дочь Джессика Изабель. Спустя тринадцать месяцев после регистрации брака пара распалась, потому, что Хорхе часто выходил из себя и даже бил Джоан.
В 1995-м году она закончила свою первую рукопись, которая была отправлена во все мало-мальски крупные агентства Англии. Ей отказали 12-ть раз, однако в конечном итоге одно из агентств все-таки решилось опубликовать книгу. Роман вышел ограниченным тиражом, но уже вскоре стал собирать самые разные награды. «Nestlé Smarties Book Prize», «British Book Award», «Children’s Book Award» - каждая из этих наград принесла ее книгам первую популярность. Вслед за первой книгой последовали новые романы. Книги молодой писательницы раскупались миллионными тиражами. По всему миру началась настоящая истерия, связанная с именем Гарри Поттера, которая стала только сильней, после выхода на экраны одноименного фильма.
2004-м году Джоан Роулинг стала первым долларовым миллиардером, который добился подобного успеха при помощи книг. За свой вклад в развитие британской литературы Роулинг была награждена «Премией Хьюго», Орденом Британской империи, а также стала кавалером Ордена почетного легиона и обладательницей огромного количества других наград.
Помимо семи книг, которые непосредственно составили историю Гарри Поттера и его друзей, Джоан Роулинг написала и издала еще несколько романов так или иначе связанных с волшебным миром Хогвартса. Так, в 2001-м и 2008-м годах свет увидели книги «Фантастические звери и места их обитания», «Квиддич с древности до наших дней», «Сказки барда Бидля», «Гарри Поттер: предыстория», которые стали сообразными приложениями к романам о юном волшебнике. Таким образом, читатели должны были лучше понять мир, в котором существует данный персонаж.
В настоящее время помимо писательской деятельности Джоан Роулинг активно занимается благотворительностью.
Автор ответа:
JK Rowling is one of the most famous writers of our time. Giving the world a series of books about Harry Potter, it instantly became popular and loved in all corners of the earth.
Future legendary writer was born in the town of Chipping suberi located in the County of Gloucestershire (England). Her father – Peter James was an engineer on the Rolls-Royce plant and her mother is Anne Volan a housewife. On the maternal side, the writer is of French and Scottish ancestry.
In addition to parents and close family for Joan has always been her younger sister Di. For her six-year-old author wrote his first book – a children's tale about the adventures of a rabbit named Rabbit and miss Bee.
To become friends with her younger sister even more, Joan had a chance because of the frequent relocations of their family. To have permanent friends, it was almost impossible, but because girls all their free time together. Friends sisters Rowling appeared only after moving to the town of Winterburn.
In 1990-m to year, Rowling left the organization, together with their boyfriend decided to move to Manchester. The train, which rode the girl was detained for four hours. At this point, Joan suddenly has clearly imagined the concept of the novel. Once home, the girl immediately began to write. Thus was created the first Chapter.
The next part of the book was written in Portugal, Joan went to teach English. Here the writer met her future husband, Jorge Arenacom. The couple started Dating, and soon officially legalize their relationship. In July 1993, the couple had a daughter Jessica Isabel. Thirteen months after the marriage, the couple broke up because Jorge often lost his temper and even beat Joan.
In 1995, the year she finished her first manuscript, which was sent to all potentially major Agency of England. She refused 12-five times, but eventually one of the agencies finally decided to publish a book. The novel was released in a limited edition, but soon began to collect a variety of awards. "Nestlé Smarties Book Prize", "British Book Award", "Children's Book Award" - each of these awards brought her books first downloads. After the first book was followed by new novels. Books young writer bought up millions of copies. Around the world have started a real hysteria associated with the name of Harry Potter, which only became stronger after the release of the same movie.
2004 year, Rowling became the first dollar billionaire who has achieved this success through books. For his contribution to the development of British literature Rowling was awarded the "Hugo Award", the order of the British Empire, and also became Chevalier of the Legion of honour and the winner of a huge number of other awards.
In addition to seven books, which made the story of Harry Potter and his friends, JK Rowling wrote and published several other novels somehow related to the magical world of Hogwarts. So, in 2001-m and 2008-m years, the world saw the book "Fantastic beasts and their habitats", "Quidditch from ancient times to our days", "the Tales of Beedle the bard", "Harry Potter: the prehistory", which became conformable applications to novels about the young wizard. Thus, readers had better understand the world in which this character exists.
Currently, in addition to writing, Rowling actively involved in charity work.
Future legendary writer was born in the town of Chipping suberi located in the County of Gloucestershire (England). Her father – Peter James was an engineer on the Rolls-Royce plant and her mother is Anne Volan a housewife. On the maternal side, the writer is of French and Scottish ancestry.
In addition to parents and close family for Joan has always been her younger sister Di. For her six-year-old author wrote his first book – a children's tale about the adventures of a rabbit named Rabbit and miss Bee.
To become friends with her younger sister even more, Joan had a chance because of the frequent relocations of their family. To have permanent friends, it was almost impossible, but because girls all their free time together. Friends sisters Rowling appeared only after moving to the town of Winterburn.
In 1990-m to year, Rowling left the organization, together with their boyfriend decided to move to Manchester. The train, which rode the girl was detained for four hours. At this point, Joan suddenly has clearly imagined the concept of the novel. Once home, the girl immediately began to write. Thus was created the first Chapter.
The next part of the book was written in Portugal, Joan went to teach English. Here the writer met her future husband, Jorge Arenacom. The couple started Dating, and soon officially legalize their relationship. In July 1993, the couple had a daughter Jessica Isabel. Thirteen months after the marriage, the couple broke up because Jorge often lost his temper and even beat Joan.
In 1995, the year she finished her first manuscript, which was sent to all potentially major Agency of England. She refused 12-five times, but eventually one of the agencies finally decided to publish a book. The novel was released in a limited edition, but soon began to collect a variety of awards. "Nestlé Smarties Book Prize", "British Book Award", "Children's Book Award" - each of these awards brought her books first downloads. After the first book was followed by new novels. Books young writer bought up millions of copies. Around the world have started a real hysteria associated with the name of Harry Potter, which only became stronger after the release of the same movie.
2004 year, Rowling became the first dollar billionaire who has achieved this success through books. For his contribution to the development of British literature Rowling was awarded the "Hugo Award", the order of the British Empire, and also became Chevalier of the Legion of honour and the winner of a huge number of other awards.
In addition to seven books, which made the story of Harry Potter and his friends, JK Rowling wrote and published several other novels somehow related to the magical world of Hogwarts. So, in 2001-m and 2008-m years, the world saw the book "Fantastic beasts and their habitats", "Quidditch from ancient times to our days", "the Tales of Beedle the bard", "Harry Potter: the prehistory", which became conformable applications to novels about the young wizard. Thus, readers had better understand the world in which this character exists.
Currently, in addition to writing, Rowling actively involved in charity work.
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