Предмет: Английский язык, автор: kkkkiiiii




Автор ответа: galina572319
Dear Zlata,
Thanks for your letter. I am glad you liked your holiday trip.
I also travelled during my winter holidays.My trip was fantastic.
My mum and I went to the third capital of our country the city of Kazan.
It's the city of contrasts, the crossroads of two worlds-the West and the East.
Really it's a place where the West peacefully exists side by side with the East.
We went to Kazan by train. The city is on the left bank of the Volga, eight hundred kilometres from Moscow. One night on the train and we found ourselves in the capital of Tatarstan. The guide told us that more than 2 million people visited Kazan every year. More than one million people live in Kazan. (It ranks six in Russia)
The weather was fine. All the time it was only about seven degrees below zero. We saw a lot of sightseengs but most of all I was impressed by the Kremlin, where there is a marvelous muslim mosque, and nearby the 16th-century cathedral with the Spasskaya Tower; and the Palace of the President of 
tarstan and much more.
Unfortunately, I have to finish now. I'll tell you more about this fairy-tale city   in my next letter.
Keep in touch.
Best wishes,

kkkkiiiii: спасибо большое)
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