Предмет: Русский язык, автор: зверь23

укажи морфологические признаки слова дразнятся


Автор ответа: tanyaivantsova
Дразнятся несов.вид, возвратный, непереходный, 2 спр, в наст вр, мн.ч. 3 лице
Автор ответа: LilyKitty
Часть речи слова дразнятся — глагол.
Морфологические признаки:
Начальная форма: дразниться (инфинитив);
Постоянные признаки: 2-е спряжение, непереходный, несовершенный вид;
Непостоянные признаки: изъявительное наклонение, множественное число, настоящее время, 3-е лицо.
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Спишите предложения, вставляя пропущенные буквы и расставляя недостающие знаки препинания. 1. Любая бизнес-идея кроме содержательной части несет в себе об- раз некой мечты сп... собной сделать вас пр...успевающим бизнесме- ном. 2. Отправная точка с которой начина...тся каждое новое пре.... приятие это бизнес-идея положе...ая в его основу. 3. Помимо прочего идея в чистом виде всего лишь а...страктное пре...ставление о том что и как можно сделать для получения прибыли. 4. Н...смотря на свою op..гинальность идея пр...шедшая вам в голову еще не может счита...- ся бизнес-идеей. 5. Изначально не имея реальной це...ости бизнес- идея может быть воплоще...а в систему способную работать и пр...но- сить прибыль. 6. Идеи это огни в ночи м...нящие к новым и новым св.... шениям а не вериги сковывающие дв...жение и творчество. (Л.Н.Гуми лев) 7. Как правило бизнес-идея направле...а на создание товаров услуг способных быть прода...ыми. ​
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Аноним
24. Read the text and make up 5 special questions.
The Loch Ness Monster – behind the myth.
The first written story of the monster is in a text from the year 565 AD by a Celtic biographer: this writer describes how a man was attacked by a monster while he was swimming in the river Ness. Perhaps the legend already existed in those days: it has certainly existed for many centuries in Scottish folklore. However, the story of the monster was not very well-known in England for one simple reason: Loch Ness is a very long way from the rest of Britain. Until the age of the railway, very few people ever went to the Highlands of Scotland....except soldiers or officials from the cities of the Scottish Lowlands. No-one else had any reason to go there: the North of Scotland was wild and desolate, wet and generally cold, and inhabited more by sheep than by people. The myth became big news in 1930; three men, out in a boat on the lake, said that they had seen a monster. Immediately, several other people said that they had seen one too. In 1933, a man took the first "photo" of the monster, from a distance of about 100 metres. The photo was not clear, but Kodak said that the photo was real. The most famous photo of all was taken in 1934 by a London surgeon; it seems to show a long neck and a small head sticking up out of the water. "Nessie" - if the photo is real - looks something like a dinosaur. A lot of other photos have been taken since then, but none of them have been clear. Obviously, if there is a monster, it is a shy one! It doesn't often come to the surface, and it never does so near the shore on a sunny afternoon in summer! If it had done so, lots of people would have taken photos of it, and there would be no more mystery. Until now it has tried to avoid publicity.... if it exists! In 1987, some people used sonar equipment to try to discover Nessie.... but they found.... nothing. So no-one has proved that the Loch Ness monster exists; but no-one can prove that it does not exist. It's a great story.

help me please ​
Предмет: Физика, автор: Saint155