Предмет: Химия, автор: ritapyankova

Назовите элемент в атоме которого содержится 13 d-электронов.

В прошлый раз я и ещё 2 человека очень долго сидели и думали над этим.
В итоге: один говорит, что такого нет т. к. провал, другой говорит что технеций, я склонна тоже к технецию, но может быть будет ещё одно мнение со стороны?

Есть схема, но никто не знает насколько она правдоподобна. Помогите



Автор ответа: стрэндж
На пяти атомных d - орбиталях может находится только 10 электронов. На орбиталях 3d десять электронов 
у атома цинка, у 4d элементов у иттрия 4d1, у циркония 4d2. Значит у циркония есть 3d10 электронов и три электрона на 
4d подуровне, всего суммарно 13.
Автор ответа: ritapyankova
В пределах одной оболочки максимальное число d-электронов равно 10
4-й период пропускаем, там идет заполнение первой d-оболочки.
В 5-м периоде нам нужен элемент, у которого на внешней d-оболочке 3 электрона.
Y: 4d1 5s2; Zr: 4d2 5s2; Nb: 4d4 5s1; Mo: 4d5 5s1;... дальше можно не смотреть.
Автор ответа: ritapyankova
что на
Автор ответа: ritapyankova
что на это скажете? вот и ломаю голову уже 2 недели.
Автор ответа: ritapyankova
Возможно такого элемента не существует. Хотя, может есть какое-нибудь возбужденное состояние, например, ниобия, когда один его d-электрон перескакивает на s-оболочку - и тогда его d-электронов становится ровно 13, но это состояние не является основным.
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Ernest Rutherford was born on 30 August 1871 in Spring Grove (now known as Brightwater), near Nelson, New Zealand to a farmer father, James Rutherford and mother Martha Thompson. He went to Havelock School as a kid from where he enrolled himself to Nelson College. He strived hard to win a scholarship for studying at Canterbury College which was under University of New Zealand. At Canterbury Ernest Rutherford became popular by becoming president of the debating society and involving himself in various other activities. Rutherford pursued his higher studies at Canterbury and received his BA, MA and BSc degrees before continuing with his rigorous two year research in electrical technology. In 1895 he went to England to pursue his postgraduate degree at the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, which continued from 1895–1898. He achieved a feat for discovering the distance over which electromagnetic waves could be detected. It was in 1898 when Rutherford was made to hold the chair of Macdonald Professor of physics at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. It was here Rutherford gained all his researching highs. His works in McGill won him his Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1908. Rutherford was deeply immersed in his research and investigation of radioactivity. Rutherford clearly explained how the rays could be differentiated on the basis of their penetrating power. In 1903 Rutherford found that the radiation emitted by radium which was not named had a point of difference that was not yet represented. He also found that the distinct ray had a very high penetrating power so Rutherford did not waste much time to name this third type of radiation as gamma ray. In 1919 Rutherford took over the Cavendish laboratory in Cambridge where he transmuted one element into another (for the first time ever by anyone) converting nitrogen into oxygen through the nuclear reaction. Rutherford carried out his experiment with Niels Bohr. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1908 for making path breaking discoveries and successful investigations into the process of elements’ disintegration and the related chemistry of radioactive substances. Rutherford was made the Knight in 1914. In 1916 Rutherford received the Hector Memorial Medal award. In 1919 Rutherford returned to Cavendish laboratory in Cambridge where he was made the Director. While being the Director at Cavendish, Rutherford supervised several researchers, the notable ones being James Chadwick, John Douglas Cockcroft, Edward Victor Appleton and Thomas Sinton Walton all of whom won Nobel Prizes for their atomic reactions, neutron discoveries, demonstrations and chemical experiments on articles and ionospheres. In 1925 Rutherford was honoured with the Order of Merit. In 1931 Rutherford was honoured with the title of Baron Rutherford of Nelson, of Cambridge in the County of Cambridge. Even after his death, Rutherford has been held in high honour by keeping him in a tomb in Westminster Abbey, alongside J. J. Thomson, and near Sir Isaac Newton.