Предмет: Українська мова, автор: Ovcharka

Зроби звуко-буквений аналіз слів :




Автор ответа: maksanna

самоцвіт [самоцві'т]               вміння [вмін:а] 

[с] - приг,тв,глух,парн,                             [в] - приг,тв,дзв,парн

[а] - гол,ненагол                                      [м] - приг,непарн

[м] - приг,тв,непарн                                 [і] гол,нагол

[о] - гол,ненагол                                      [н:] - приг,непарн,подв,м"як

[ц]  - приг,тв,                                           [а] - гол,ненагол

[в]- приг,тв,дзвін,парн


[т]  приг,тв,непарн

Автор ответа: Володик
Самоцвіт - [c] [а] [м] [о] [ц] [в'] [і] [т] 8Б, 8зв Вміння - [в] [м'] [і] [н:'] [a] 6Б, 5зв
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: madik50072
Помогите дам 50 баллов !!!!attend; behave; do one's homework; enrol; expel; fail; learn (something) by heart; pass; leave school; play truant; praise; punish; recite; revise; sit/take (an exam); specialize; study; test.

1. She ____________ at 16 to go and work in her cousin's shop.
2. The headteacher _________ the school footbal team for doing so well in
the local Cup.
3. I can't come out tonight, I'm afraid. I've got to ______________ for a
test tomorrow.
4. Children from the age of 5 to 11 usually _________ a primary school.
5. None of the teachers could contol the boy. When he finally tried to set
fire to the school, the headteacher was forced to ________ him. Since he
gone, things have been a lot more peaceful.
6. When he went to the Six-Form College, he decided to ___________ in languages.
7. This course is very popular. If you want a place on it, you'd better
_______ today.
8. The teacher told the class, that their homework was to _________ a poem
_________ and she would ask them to _________ it in the class the following
9. She went to university to _____________ mathematics.
10. In a mixed class, boys generally _________________ worse, than girls.
11. He was very upset, when he ____________ his exams, especially as he
thought he had done so well.
12. She spends at least two hours every night ___________ her ______________ .
13. She was a very strict teacher and always ___________ his pupils, if
they forgot to do their homework or misbehaved in class.
14. We are going to __________ the Cambridge First Certificate examination
at the end of next month.
15. "At the end of the term we shall ____________ you all to find out, how
good you are in English and maths", the teacher told the class.
16. To __________ means to stay away from school without permission.
17. She was extremely intelligent and found it very easy to _________ all
her exams.
Предмет: История, автор: AUANA