Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: romjkee2h
Перекладітіть на англійську мову, але речення повинні бути у пасиві
1. на цьому заводі виробляють сільськогосподарські машини.
2. Читальний зал провітрюється чотири рази на день.
3.Ця фабрика була збудована десять років тому.
4. Підручники продаватимуться завтра.
5. Коли було видано цю книжку?
6. Їй дали українсько-англійський словник.
7. Йому запропонували квиток на концерт.
8.Вам заплатять за цю роботу завтра.
9. Їм наказали залишити зал.
10.Солдатам було наказано переправитися через річку
11. Її попросили заспівати цю пісню ще раз.
12.Мене запитали, чи ми підемо в театр.
13. Якщо мене запитають, я їм все розкажу. .
14.Це питання зараз обговорюється на зборах.
15. Коли я зайшов до залу, це питання обговорювалося. .
16.Його слухали дуже уважно.
17. Міст було зруйновано, перш ніж ми прибули туди.
18.Учитель сказав, що наші диктанти перевірені.
19. За дітьми доглянуть.
20Про цю подію багато говорять.
Автор ответа:
2. The reading room is aired four times a day.
3.This factory was built ten years ago.
4. Textbooks will be sold tomorrow.
5. When was this book published?1.this factory produces farm machinery.
6. She was given a Ukrainian-English dictionary.
7. He was offered a ticket to the concert.
8.You will pay for this tomorrow.
9. They were ordered to leave the room.
10.The soldiers were ordered to cross the river
11. She was asked to sing this song again.
12.I was asked, or we go to the theatre.
13. If you ask me I'll tell them everything. .
14.This issue is now being discussed at the meeting.
15. When I went to the gym, this issue was discussed. .
16.Listened to him very carefully.
17. Cities were destroyed before we got there.
18.The teacher said that our dictations checked.
19. Children will be looked after.
20. this event is a lot of talk.
3.This factory was built ten years ago.
4. Textbooks will be sold tomorrow.
5. When was this book published?1.this factory produces farm machinery.
6. She was given a Ukrainian-English dictionary.
7. He was offered a ticket to the concert.
8.You will pay for this tomorrow.
9. They were ordered to leave the room.
10.The soldiers were ordered to cross the river
11. She was asked to sing this song again.
12.I was asked, or we go to the theatre.
13. If you ask me I'll tell them everything. .
14.This issue is now being discussed at the meeting.
15. When I went to the gym, this issue was discussed. .
16.Listened to him very carefully.
17. Cities were destroyed before we got there.
18.The teacher said that our dictations checked.
19. Children will be looked after.
20. this event is a lot of talk.
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