Предмет: Українська література, автор: Lizochka123577

Потрібен твір на тему "Чому мене навчили твори Т.Шевченка и Л.Українки"


Автор ответа: sqwrua


Тарас Григорович Шевченко. Його знають в всьому світі, ві не тільки талановитий художник, а і прекрасний поет. Його вірші і чуть багато, саме через це, Тараса Шевченка знають і зараз. Його вірші вчать, як любити сім'ю, Батьківщину, ніколи не допускати руки і йти до останнього- до перемоги. Завдяки ним, люди минулих поколінь, завжди вірили у краще, і мали надію, що все буде добре.


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У меня осталось 10 минут!!!!

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пжпжпжпжпж помогите


My name's Keira and I live in a flat with my mum and dad. We've got five rooms - a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom, two bedrooms - and a small hall. We haven't got a dining room. In the kitchen, there's a table with six chairs. There's also a TV and a clock. In the living room, there's a desk and a computer. There are three pictures on the walls. In the bathroom, there's a shower. We haven't got a bath. My favourite room is my bedroom. I've got a desk, a chair and a small table in it.

Are the sentences true (+) or false (-)?

1 There are five rooms in the flat.

2 There's a dining room. 3 There's a table in the kitchen.

4 There's a computer in the kitchen.

5 There are four pictures in the living room. 6 There's a bath in the bathroom.

6. Tom only has £15 to spend.

Going shopping

Mrs Smith is going shopping with her son. They are looking for a present for Mr Smith's birthday. Mrs Smith wants to buy him a new camera and Tom wants to buy him a jacket. When she gets to the Electrical Department she finds that cameras are sold in the Photography Department on the ground floor. She doesn't know much about cameras and needs some advice. A shop assistant recommends an automatic camera by Olympus, but it is too expensive. She asks if he has anything a little cheaper and he tells her about a special offer on the Pentax range. It still seems expensive so she thanks the assistant and decides to shop around first. Meanwhile, Tom is looking at the jumpers. He only has £10 to spend so he can't afford most of them. He sees his mother and they decide to go to the smaller shops round the corner.

Are the sentences true (+) or false (-)?

1. Mrs Smith is going shopping with her sister.

2. They are looking for a present for Tom's birthday.

3. Mrs Smith wants to buy a new camera.

4. Tom wants to buy a jumper.

5. An automatic camera is too expensive.

6. Tom only has £15 to spend.