Предмет: Английский язык, автор: alinusy

Будь ласка перевірте правильність написання речень, напишіть правильно. ВЕЛИКЕ ДЯКУЮ....

The United Kingdom consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

To the north lies Scotland

Scotland is remember picturesque towns and mountain landscape.

There are not many places that can match the beauty of this country.

Scotland has produced a number of writers, painters, sculptors, poets and musicians.

With their creative work can be seen to attend  festivals held in Scotland, the most famous of which is the Edinburgh International Arts Festival.

The principal attraction of this country making whiskey.

Scotsmen wear special clothing that it in the skin on the clothes of other nations.

Scotland has a lot of signposts on the road.

You can punting on the river Tay.

Thistle is character of this country.

Scottish cities offer its guests great opportunities for shopping.

Scotland is ideal land for golf.

Scotland is the most mountainous region with the highest peak, Ben Nevis.

The capital of  Scotland has Edinburgh. Edinburgh have stately view.

Edinburgh is beautiful city, which mast-see and take a picture for memory.

I would like to visit Scotland some day and see the most famouse places of interest there.


Автор ответа: Sweet3D

Я виправила помилки, їх було небагато/Я исправила ошибки, их было немного.

The UK consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
To the north is Scotland
Scotland has a picturesque city and mountain landscape.
There are not many places that can compare to the beauty of this country.
Scotland has produced a number of writers, painters, sculptors, poets and musicians.
With their creativity can visit festivals in Scotland, the most famous of which is the Edinburgh International Arts Festival.
The main attraction of this country is whiskey.
The Scots wear special clothing that makes their skin is not similar to other peoples clothes.
Scotland has many pointers on the road.
You can admire the River Tay.
Thistle - the nature of this country.
Scottish cities offer its guests great opportunities for shopping.
Scotland is an ideal ground for the course.
Scotland is the most mountainous region with the highest peak Ben Nevis.
Scotland's capital Edinburgh. In view of the majestic Edinburgh.
Edinburgh is a beautiful city which you want to see and take a picture.
I would like to visit Scotland one day and see the most famous sights there.

Автор ответа: ПростоЛёка

The United Kingdom consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

Scotland lies to the north

Scotland has picturesque towns and mountain landscapes.

There are many places to match the beauty of this country.

Scotland has a number of writers, painters, sculptors, poets and musicians.

There are many wonderful  festivals which are held in Scotland, the most famous festival is the Edinburgh International Arts Festival.

Whiskey makes the principal attraction of this country.

Besides, Scotsmen wear special clothes which are very unusual for other countries and nations.

Thistle is the symbol of this country.

Scottish cities offer their guests great opportunities for shopping.

Scotland is ideal land for golf.

Scotland is the most mountainous region with its highest peak, Ben Nevis.

The capital of  Scotland is Edinburgh. Edinburgh has stately view.

Edinburgh is a beautiful city, which everybody should see and take a picture for memory.

I would like to visit Scotland some day and see the most famous places of interest there

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