We must learn to use the Passive/ The Passive must be learned and used.
The wind shook the house,
The house was shaken.
We took what we could,
Not everything was taken.
We lost our pets,
And that day they were not found.
The wind broke down our house,
It was thrown to the ground.
Then we built a new house,
It was built too fast to tell.
We di9d the work together,
It was done very well.
We invited all our friends,
Our friends were invited.
All of them came with presents,
We were happy and excited.
Пожалуйста переведите и выпишите глаголы страдательного залога
We must learn to use the Passive.
The Passive must be learned and used.
The wind shook the house,
The house was shaken.
We took what we could,
Not everything was taken.
We lost our pets,
And that day they were not found.
The wind broke down our house,
It was thrown to the ground.
Then we built a new house,
It was built too fast to tell.
We did the work together,
It was done very well.
We invited all our friends,
Our friends were invited.
All of them came with presents,
We were happy and excited.
Глаголы в пассивном залоге выделены жирным шрифтом!
(пассив = ве+V3 т.е. за глаголом to be (am is are was were) следует третья форма основного смыслового глагола)
Мы должны научиться использовать пассив.
Пассив должен быть выученным и использоваться.
Ветер шатал дом,
Дом шатался.
Мы забрали, что могли,
Не все было взято.
Мы потеряли наших животных,
И в тот день они не были найдены.
Ветер сломал наш дом,
Он был разрушен.
Тогда мы построили новый дом,
Он был построен слишком быстро.
Мы делали работу вместе,
Она была сделана хорошо.
Мы пригласили всех наших друзей,
Наши друзья были приглашены.
Они все пришли с подарками,
Мы были счастливы и взволнованы.