Предмет: Английский язык,
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Алан Александр Милн родился в Лондоне 18 января 1882 года. Его отец был старшим преподавателем маленькой подготовительной школы. Одним из учителей школы был знаменитый писатель Х.Г. Уэльс.
Милн — младший из трех сыновей в семье пошел в Вестминстерскую школу в одиннадцать лег, а затем поехал в Кембридж, чтобы стать математиком. Но им он так и не стал. Вместо этого он стал редактором
университетского журнала «Гранта», в котором он публиковал некоторые из своих легких юмористических стихов. Потом он отправился в Лондон, надеясь зарабатывать на жизнь писательским трудом. Один за другим Лондонские журналы начали публиковать его остроумные произведения, и в 1905 году он издал свою первую книжку — коллекцию юмористических эссе в бумажном переплете, стоившую шиллинг. В 24 года он получил пост помощника издателя известного журнала «Пунш» с оплатой 5 фунтов в неделю — большие деньги в то время.
В 1913 году он женился на Дороти Де Селинкорт. И в следующем году, когда началась война, он пошел в армию. На фронте он заболел и вернулся домой в Лондон.
Единственный ребенок Милна родился 21 августа 1920 г. Миссис Милн хотела, девочку, хотела назвать её Розмари ... вместо этого она одарила своего мужа прекрасным белокурым и обожаемым сыном, Кристофером Робином. Милны купили ему медвежонка на его первый день рождения. Скоро медвежонок был назван Винни, в честь настоящего медведя, который жил в Лондонском зоопарке.
А.А. Милн написал много стихов Кристоферу Робину и про него. Некоторые из стихов стали очень популярными песнями.
Однажды дождливым летом Милн снял дом в деревне. Он взял с собой карандаш и тетрадку, и за одиннадцать дней написал столько детских стихов, что они составили книжку. Она была опубликована в 1924 под названием «Когда мы были очень маленькими» и была продана полумиллионным тиражом!
В 1925 Милны купили ферму в Суссексе, на которую они по выходным уезжали из Лондона. От этого старого дома было недалеко идти через мост в Эшдаунский Лес, где Кристофер Робин и его медвежонок, ныне известный как Винни-Пух, или Медведь-Пух, обычно играли. Каждое ежедневное приключение в лесу давало А'.А. Милну все больше материала для его известной ныне книги «Винни-Пух», опубликованной в 1926. Иллюстрации к ней были сделаны Эрнестом Шепардом, который посещал семью Милнов на их ферме, и нарисовал совсем немного набросков Кристофера Робина с его медведем, мост, рядом с которым двое играли в «Пух-палочки», и всех любимых персонажей и места.
Секрет успеха А.А. Милна был в том, что он мог проникнуть в сознание ребенка. Он использовал свои литературные таланты, чтобы описать, как один маленький мальчик любил своего медвежонка настолько
— что для него, в конце концов — игрушечное животное стало живым. После книги «Винни-Пух» А.А. Милн написал другие книги детской прозы — «Теперь Нам Шесть» и «Дом в Углу Пуха», которые были проданы ждущей публике миллионами копий. Четыре книги о Винни-Пухе и веселая пьеса «Жаба Жабьего зала» сейчас так же популярны, как и много лет назад, когда они были написаны.
Кристофер Милн (он больше не использует имя Робин) провел шесть лет в армии во время войны. Потом он держал книжный магазин в Дартмуте до тех пор, пока не оставил его, чтобы жить в деревне.
Автор ответа:
Alan Alexander Milne was born in London on 18 January 1882. His father was a senior lecturer at a small preparatory school. One of the teachers at the school was the famous writer H. G. wells.Milne is the youngest of three sons in the family went to Westminster school at eleven went to bed, and then went to Cambridge to become a mathematician. But he did not. Instead, he became the editor of51
the University's journal "Granta" in which he published some of his light humorous poems. Then he went to London, hoping to earn a living as a writer. One after another the London magazines began to publish his witty works, and in 1905 he published his first book — a collection of humorous essays in a paper cover, which cost a shilling. At 24, he was given the post of assistant to the publisher of the famous magazine "Punch" with paying £ 5 a week — a lot of money at the time.In 1913 he married Dorothy De Selincourt. And next year, when the war began, he joined the army. At the front he became ill and returned home to London.The only child of Milne was born August 21, 1920 Mrs. Milne wanted the girl, wanted to name her rosemary ... instead, she gave her husband a beautiful blonde and an adorable son, Christopher Robin. Milna bought him a bear for his first birthday. Soon the bear was named Winnie, in honor of this bear that lived at London zoo.A. A. Milne wrote many poems of Christopher Robin and about him. Some of the poems became very popular songs.One rainy summer Milne rented a house in the village. He took a pencil and notebook, and in eleven days wrote so many children's poems that they made up the book. It was published in 1924 under the title "When we were very young" and sold half a million copies!In 1925 Milna bought a farm in Sussex, which they have on weekends away from London. This old house was a short walk across the bridge in Aldanskiy the Woods, where Christopher Robin and his bear, now known as Winnie-the-Pooh, or Bear Down, usually played. Each daily adventure in the forest gave And'.. The Milne more material for his now famous book "Winnie-the-Pooh" published in 1926. The illustrations to it were done by Ernest Shepard, who visited the family of Milna on their farm, and drew quite a few sketches of Christopher Robin with his bear, the bridge where the two played "Pooh-sticks" and all of your favorite characters and places.The secret of success in A. A. Milne was that he could enter the mind of a child. He used his literary talents to describe how one little boy loved his Teddy bear so for him, in the end — a stuffed animal was alive. After the book "Winnie-the-Pooh" A. A. Milne wrote other books of children's prose — "Now We are Six" and "House at Pooh Corner", which was sold to the waiting public in millions of copies. Four books about Winnie-the-Pooh and the merry play, "Toad of a Toad hall" is now as popular as many years ago when they were written.Christopher Milne (he no longer uses the name Robin) spent six years in the army during the war. Then he kept a bookshop in Dartmouth until then, until he left him to live in the village.
the University's journal "Granta" in which he published some of his light humorous poems. Then he went to London, hoping to earn a living as a writer. One after another the London magazines began to publish his witty works, and in 1905 he published his first book — a collection of humorous essays in a paper cover, which cost a shilling. At 24, he was given the post of assistant to the publisher of the famous magazine "Punch" with paying £ 5 a week — a lot of money at the time.In 1913 he married Dorothy De Selincourt. And next year, when the war began, he joined the army. At the front he became ill and returned home to London.The only child of Milne was born August 21, 1920 Mrs. Milne wanted the girl, wanted to name her rosemary ... instead, she gave her husband a beautiful blonde and an adorable son, Christopher Robin. Milna bought him a bear for his first birthday. Soon the bear was named Winnie, in honor of this bear that lived at London zoo.A. A. Milne wrote many poems of Christopher Robin and about him. Some of the poems became very popular songs.One rainy summer Milne rented a house in the village. He took a pencil and notebook, and in eleven days wrote so many children's poems that they made up the book. It was published in 1924 under the title "When we were very young" and sold half a million copies!In 1925 Milna bought a farm in Sussex, which they have on weekends away from London. This old house was a short walk across the bridge in Aldanskiy the Woods, where Christopher Robin and his bear, now known as Winnie-the-Pooh, or Bear Down, usually played. Each daily adventure in the forest gave And'.. The Milne more material for his now famous book "Winnie-the-Pooh" published in 1926. The illustrations to it were done by Ernest Shepard, who visited the family of Milna on their farm, and drew quite a few sketches of Christopher Robin with his bear, the bridge where the two played "Pooh-sticks" and all of your favorite characters and places.The secret of success in A. A. Milne was that he could enter the mind of a child. He used his literary talents to describe how one little boy loved his Teddy bear so for him, in the end — a stuffed animal was alive. After the book "Winnie-the-Pooh" A. A. Milne wrote other books of children's prose — "Now We are Six" and "House at Pooh Corner", which was sold to the waiting public in millions of copies. Four books about Winnie-the-Pooh and the merry play, "Toad of a Toad hall" is now as popular as many years ago when they were written.Christopher Milne (he no longer uses the name Robin) spent six years in the army during the war. Then he kept a bookshop in Dartmouth until then, until he left him to live in the village.
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