Проверьте граматику диалога
-hello!how are yoг ?
-fine,thanks. and you?
-i am okey.
-You look tanned.have you rested on the sea this summer ?
-You are right. I have rested on the sea this summer. our family have rested in Sochi.
-What were you do there?
-I swam in the sea, did diving, sanbathed on the coast, walked around the city.
-did you enjoy your summer holidays?
-Yes, I pleasantly spented this summer.You look tanned too.have you rested on the sea this summer ?
-no,i have rested in my summer cottage with my grandparents.
-how did you rest there? tell me more about it.
-i swam in the river,fished,played with my friends.but I have not only rested, but also worked: helped my grandparents to dig the garden, to water plants.
-did you enjoy your summer holidays?
-hello!how are you ?
-fine,thanks. and you?
-i am okey.
-You look tanned.have you rested on the sea this summer ?
-You are right. I have rested on the sea this summer. our family have rested in Sochi.
-What were you doing there?
-I swam in the sea, did diving, sanbathed on the coast, walked around the city.
-did you enjoy your summer holidays?
-Yes, I spented this summer pleasantly.You look tanned too.have you rested on the sea this summer ?
-no,i have rested at my summer cottage with my grandparents.
-how did you rest there? tell me more about it.
-i swam in the river,fished,played with my friends.but I did not only rest, but also worked: I helped my grandparents to dig the garden, to water plants.
-did you enjoy your summer holidays?
-нет ответа на вопрос
-good bye .
-good bye.