Предмет: Русский язык, автор: снежана165

Вставь пропущенные буквы,подбери проверочные слова, выдели корень. Настала з...ма. Д..ревья в л.. су ст...ят белые. З...мля укрыта снежной шу...кой. На с...сне сидят кл. .сты. Там у них гн....здо.Скоро будут птенчики.


Автор ответа: 1Стас
Настала зима (зимы). Деревья (дерево) в лесу (лес) стоят (стоя) белые. Земля (земли) укрыта снежной шубкой (шуба). На сосне (сосны) сидят клесты (клёст). Там у них гнездо (гнёзда). Скоро будут птенчики.
Автор ответа: yamoyu
Настала зима (зимы). Деревья (дерево) в лесу (лес) стоят (стоя) белые. Земля (земли) укрыта снежной шубкой (шуба). На сосне (сосны) сидят клёсты (клёст). Там у них гнёзда (гнездо). Скоро будут птенчики. 
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: vitalinochkacupa
By Karon Warren

Winter brings cokler temperatures and shorter days, and, unfortunately, it usually means more sick days, too. To limit exposure to illness, some may get a flu shot, take a multi-vitamin of wash their hands more often. There are simple additions you can make to your diet that also could boost your immune system. 1.

While berries are quite popular during the summer when they are in season, they also can provide health benefits in colder weather. Doctors recommend them because they are naturally high in vitamin C. Add your favourite variety to oatmeal, yoghurt, smoothies, pancakes and muffins.


Making yoghurt a part of your daily meals is another good way to boost your immune system. It's a good source of vitamin A, protein and zinc, not to mention healthy bacteria that potentially protect your digestive tract from disease-causing germs. Yoghurt makes a great afternoon snack, or use it as a fruit dip or in a smoothie. 3.

Give your immune system a boost in winter with a bit of honey. Used as an antibiotic for centuries, it helps prevent bacterial growth. Add some honey to your hot tea or spread on a piece of wheat toast. It is also a tasty addition to plain yoghurt or drizzled on oatmeal. 4.

Hot tea is a standard beverage for many people, especially during colder weather. Hot tea may help our bodies ward off infections. Not only that, but as an added bonus, drinking tea will help keep us hydrated.

A very popular winter spice, cinnamon also delivers some key health benefits. Cinnamon contams essential oils that may help reduce the amount of time we spend getting over a cold or the flu. Sprinkle some cinnamon on rice pudding, add to curries or sprinkle over honey drizzled on wheat toast. 6.

Studies show that turmeric may help fight infections, reduce inflammation and treat digestive problems. Typically found as a bright yellow powder, this immune system booster is often used in Asian curry dishes. You also can add it to egg salad, salad dressings or steamed cauliflower.

ginger -iM overline OHp

sip пити маленькими ковтками - exposure - піддавання зовнішньому впливу

boost - підвищувати

cinnamon кориця

turmeric - куркума inflammation - запалення

A) Make Room for Mushrooms

B) Sip Something Warm

C) Add Some Sweetness

D) Get Spicy

F) Don't Forget the Dairy G) Increase the Flavor H) Add a Dash of Ginger

E) Be Berry Good

G) Increase the Flavor

H) Add a Dash of Ginger