Предмет: Английский язык, автор: mayaesaeva

РЕШИТЕ СРОЧНО!!!Английский!!!тест по временам Past simple, continuous, pastperfect or past perfect continuous. 1.When Elisabeth ________(switch) on the TV set, her favourite series ____________(already/ start). 2.Everybody _________ (dance) and _________ (drink) when I _____ (leave) the disco at midnight. 3.Mary ________ (want) to buy some clothes as one of her friends__________(invite) her to her birthday party. 4He___________ (study) very hard since the beginning of the last term at University and ________ (manage) to pass all the exams with very good marks. 5When I _______ (get) off the plane it _________ (rain) 6 We __________ (not contact) Sue although we _____________ (phone) her the whole morning. 7. He _________ (look) for a job for over two months till my father _________ (offer) him the post of accountant in his factory. 8Alan ______ (give) me back the book last Sunday and ______ (tell) me he __________ (enjoy) it very much. 9She ______ (say) she ________ (never/ ride) a bike before her parents ________ (buy) her one for her 14th birthday.


Автор ответа: 245class
1.When Elisabeth switched on the TV set, her favourite series already started 2.Everybody danced and drinking when I left the disco at midnight. 3.Mary wanted to buy some clothes as one of her friends invited her to her birthday party. 4 He started very hard since the beginning of the last term at University and managed to pass all the exams with very good marks. 5 When I got off the plane it rains 6 We not contacted Sue although we phoned her the whole morning. 7. He looked for a job for over two months till my father offered him the post of accountant in his factory. 8 Alan gives me back the book last Sunday and told me he enjoyed it very much. 9 She says she never ridden a bike before her parents bought her one for her

245class: When I got off the plane it rains 5 предложение вы списали правильно ?
mayaesaeva: When i get вернее
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