Предмет: Русский язык, автор: lakisova2012

Напишите пж., 5 предложений с отглогольными прилагательными.


Автор ответа: annalegotina
Я дал невнятный, путаный ответ, не подготовившись к домашней работе вчера вечером (т.к. образован от глагола несов. вида). 
Раненый солдат лежал в окопе, тихо подзывая к себе товарища (т.к. не имеет пояснительных слов). 
Я вышел во двор и заметил кошенную траву (т.к. приставка отсутствует). 
Жаренная рыба вышла на удивление вкусной (т.к. зависимое слово отсутствует).
На завтрак я приготовил прессованные овсяные хлопья (т.к. слова на -ованный, -еванный прилагательные).

lakisova2012: СПС очень помогла.
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: victoriapiskovec
Irth and Space" Task 1. Reading. Read the text and match pictures to the appropriate paragraph. 1. Our planet is in danger. It becomes more and more polluted every year. In addition, the ozone layer becomes thinner and this may lead to many phenomena, like acid rains, that may destroy our planet and our lives. 2. And we all know that the main reason why the Earth suffers is PEOPLE. We pollute the air, the water; cause the extinction of animals and plants. However, we are still capable of saving our planet and species we share it with. 3. There are several measures we may implement. First of all, we should not throw any garbage and all countries must work the system of recycling garbage out. If we all get used to sorting it, we will simplify the process of recycling. 4. In addition, we may use modern technologies to invent a new kind of petrol to substitute oil with it. We can also try to use cars less and walk or ride a bicycle or use public transport to move around the city. 5. In order to save animals, we must protect them better from poachers: build national parks. organize special groups and funds which will take care of animals and find investors to supply our wild neighbors with food. We should also breed animals not to let any species disappear. 6. Moreover, more trees, bushes, flowers must be planted. It helps to solve the problem with deforestation. They clean the air and serve as a home for many animals, birds, and insects. 7. Summing up, we have the power to make the Earth a better place to live and we must use this power to prevent the damage we inflict by our modern activities Form
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Radmir535