Предмет: Английский язык, автор: pomogitepohaluista

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Однажды я пошёл в гости к другу. Он жил на 11 этаже. Я на лифте не езжу, так как сам живу на 2 этаже.

Я подошёл к лифту и нажала на кнопку вызова. Лифт скоро приехал. Я вошёл внутрь и отправил его на на 11 этаж. Все было хорошо. Но лифт застрял между 8 и 9 этажами. Свет в кабине начал помигивать, мне стало страшно.
Между закрытыми дверями лифта застрял листок бумаги. Я заметил это только сейчас. Листочек упал на дно кабины. Я поднял его и убедился в том, что на нем что-то было написано.
Я прочитал: "Хочешь поиграть с жизнью?". По моему телу пошли мурашки.
- Нет! Кто это? - хотел закричать я, но не смог.Вместо этого у меня из носа пошла кровь. Но голос появился, и я сказал:
- Отпусти меня!

Вдруг лифт пришел в движение. Он начал очень быстро опускаться. Его понесло с четырнадцатого этажа прямо вниз. Кабина набирала скорость. Но тормозила об стены шахты.

Когда лифт дошёл до первого этажа, раздался очень громкий звук.Меня оглушило. Очнулся я в больнице.


Автор ответа: eysviridenko
One day I went to visit a friend. He lived on the 11th floor. I do not go on the elevator, as he lived on the 2nd floor.
I walked to the elevator and pressed the call button. Elevator soon arrived. I went inside and sent it on to the 11th floor. All was good. But the elevator stuck between the 8th and 9th floors. The light in the cockpit began pomigivat, I was scared.Between the closed doors of the elevator stuck a piece of paper. I noticed it only now. Leaf fallen on the cabin floor. I picked it up and saw that it was something written.I read: "Want to play with life?". As my body went goose.- No! Who is it? - I wanted to scream, but no smog.Vmesto that my nose was bleeding. But the voice came, and I said:- Let me go!
Suddenly the lift began to move. He began to fall very quickly. He suffered from the fourteenth floors straight down. The cab picked up speed. But hampered for shaft wall.
When the elevator reached the ground floor, there was a very loud zvuk.Menya stunned. I woke up in hospital

pomogitepohaluista: Я тоже могу в переводчике перевести.Он не правильно переводит
Автор ответа: Liliskay
One day I went to visit a friend. He lived on the 11th floor. I'm on the Elevator ride, as I live on the 2nd floor.
I walked over to the Elevator and pressed the call button. The lift soon arrived. I went inside and sent it on the 11th floor. It was all good. But the Elevator was stuck between the 8th and 9th floors. The lights in the cabin began to podmigivat, I was scared.Between the closed doors of the Elevator stuck a piece of paper. I only noticed it now. The leaf fell to the bottom of the cab. I picked it up and saw that something was written.I read: "I Want to play with life?". My body went goose bumps.- No! Who is it? I wanted to scream I, but could not.Instead, my nose was bleeding. But the voice appeared and I said- Let go of me!
Suddenly the Elevator began to move. He started very quickly to fall. It suffered from the fourteenth floor straight down. The cab picked up speed. But slowed down the walls of the mine. 
When the Elevator reached the first floor, we heard a very loud sound.I was out cold. I woke up in the hospital.
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