Предмет: Биология, автор: 5554445554445

экологические группы птиц таблица 1)название группы 2)отряды 3)тип птенцов 4)представители


Автор ответа: ybya

1)название группы      


3)тип птенцов            



1. Птицы степей и пустынь, отр-страусы, выводковый, страус, дрофа, степной орел

2. Птицы водоемов и побережий, отр. гусеообразные, выводковый, гуси, утки, лебеди

3. Птицы болот, отр. аистообразные,выводковый, цапли, аисты

4. Дневные хищники, отр.соколообразные, птенцового, сокол

5. Ночные хищники, отр. совиные, птенцового, совы, филины, сипухи

6. Птицы леса, отр. дятлы, выводкового, бельшой пестрый детел, малый дятел

7. Наземные килегрудые птицы, отр куриные,выводкового, куры, глухарь, фазан, тетерев

8.Пингвины, отр пингвинообразные, выводковые, пингвин адели, императорский пингвин, пингвин гумбольта

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Аноним
даю 100 баллов и 5 звезд
1. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1. The first commercially successful internal combustion engine was very efficient.

2. The most significant distinction between modern internal combustion engines and the early designs is the use of compression and, in particular, in-cylinder compression.

3. Depending on the engine cycle, engines are four-stroke cycle and five-stroke cycle ones.

4. In accordance with the valve location, the internal combustion engines are called I-head engines if valves are in head (overhead valve), and L-head engines if valves are in block (flat head).

5. Radial engines are often called flat engines.

2. Complete the sentences: change the word in capitals at the end of each sentence to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space.

1. The first internal combustion engines did not have in-cylinder... COMPRESS.

2. In accordance with valve ..., the internal combustion engines are called I-head engines and L-head engines LOCATE.

3. Basic design divides engines into ... and rotary ones RECIPROCATE.

4. The ... chambers are built into the non-rotating block in rotary engines COMBUST.

5. The ... of the internal combustion engine had a profound impact on human life INVENT.

3. Insert the words at the sentence level: fill in the blanks with the missing words (the first letter of each word is given).

1. The invention and development of the internal combustion engine in the nineteenth century has had a p... impact on human life.

2. The first internal combustion engines did not have c... before i... .

3. Opposed-cylinder engines are often called f... engines.

4. A two-stroke cycle engine has two p... movements over one revolution for each cycle.

5. Radial engines are engines with pistons positioned in a circular plane around a circular c...

6. According to the basic design, engines are divided into r... and rotary engines.

7. In h... charge compression ignition engines, well-mixed fuel and oxidizer are compressed to the point of auto-ignition.

8. According to the type of c..., engines can be classified as air-cooled engines and liquid-cooled engines (water-cooled engines).

9. Engines of two different c... arrangements have been classified as W-type engines in the technical literature.

10. In-line engine cylinders are positioned in a s... line.