Предмет: Алгебра, автор: 57470

решить графически уравнение √x=-x²


Автор ответа: AnonimusPro
возводим все в квадрат: x=x^4; делаем функцию: y=x^4-x, строим ее график только на положительной ох, вот график: x=0; - корень уравнения
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Алгебра, автор: davydenko1983
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: nurdauletkz07
10. Give the right variant:

2019 is the year of…

A) old

B) youth

C) innovation

D) robots

E) digits

11.Give the right variant:

2020 is the year of…

A) innovation

B) teenagers

C) Volunteers

D) robots

E) digits

12.Give the right variant:

The parliament of Kazakhstan consist of…:

A) The House of Senate and Mazhilis

B) The house of Common and Mazhilis

C) The Congress and Mazhilis

D) The house of Commous and the house of Lords

E) The house of Lords and Senate

13. Give the right variant:

What was the real name of Ablai khan?

A) Abdylmansur

B) Abylkhaiyr

C) Abdimansur

D) Abylmansur

E) Abylkassym

14. Give the right variant:

Ablai khan was born….

A) in 1881

B) in 1871

C) in 1671

D) in 1971

E) in 1711

15.Choose the correct variant:

Ablai khan ruled the country in…

A) 1771-1781

B) 1761-1781

C) 1791-1781

D) 1771-1791

E) 1771-1881

16. Give the right variant:

The nickname of Ablai Khan was…


B) Sharyn

C) Sabalak

D) Ibragim

E) Abulmansur

17. Give the right variant:

Ablai khan died at the age of …

A) 75

B) 72

C) 62

D) 70

E) 80

18.Give the right variant:

The main mission of Ablai khan was…

A) to create an independent country

B) to become a leader

C) to be happy

D) to fight

E) to win enemies

19.Find the right variant:

Ablai khan was elected a khan….

A) at the age of 25 B) at the age of 40 C) at the age of 20 D) at the age of 30 E) at the age of 50

20. Give the right variant:

The princess Tomiris lived ….

A) during industrial tribes

B) during Nomadic tribes

C) during Scythian tribes

D) during Agrarian tribes

E) during Horticultural tribes

21. Give the right variant:

The princess Tomiris beheaded…

A) the Iraqi King

B) the Iranian King

C) the Indian King

D) the Peru King

E) the Persian King

22. Give the right variant:

Nomadic people use yurts because….

A) they are portable.

B) they are heavy.

C) they are uncomfortable.

D) they are useless.

E) they are unimportant.

23. Give the right variant:

The main parts of the yurt are….

A) shanyrak, door, uyk

B) shanyrak,kerege, uyk

C) felt,kerege,uyk

D) door,kerege,uyk

E) shanyrak,kerege,roof

24. Give the right variant:

The yurt keeps people from ….


B) warm and nasty weather

C) bad and good weather

D) bad and nasty weather

E) people

25. Give the right variant:

Felt is made of…

A) wool of goat

B) fur of camel

C) wool of cow

D) wool of fox

E) wool of sheep

26. Give the right variant:

The yurt is divided into… halves.

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4

E) 0

27. Give the right variant:

Kymyz is a national drink of… people

A) Kazakh

B) German

C) Chinese

D) Turkish

E) Tatar

28.Give the right variant:

Kymyz is recognized as a…

A) tasteless drink

B) useless pill

C) unimportant drink

D) useful remedy

E) unhealthy drink

29 Give the right variant:

Kymyz is made of …

A) cow's milk

B) camel’s milk

C) mare's milk

D) sheep’s milk

E) goat’s milk

30. Give the right variant:

What does the word Nauryz mean?

A) old day

B) old year

C) young year

D) early year

E) new year