Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: Алэта
Помогите пожалуйста с переводом сочинения на английский язык!!! Только не через промт и всякого рода переводчики, т.к. слишком много ошибок (да так я бы и сама перевела). Прошу тех, кто понимает английский! Можно заменить слова, если от них не меняется основной смысл.
Я хотела бы рассказать о своем прадедушке. Когда я родилась, то не застала его в живых. Мой папа очень хорошо помнит историю своего деда и смог многое мне рассказать.
Моего прадеда звали Жаворонков Сергей Павлович. Он родился 15 сентября 1923 года в селе Теплое Данковского района. В 1941 года в возрасте 18 лет мой прадедушка был призван в ряды Красной Армии. Всю великую Отечественную Войну он прослужил механиком-водителем танка Т-34 в 59-ом гвардейском танковом полку. За годы службы он участвовал в большинстве крупных сражений Великой Отечественной Войны, дважды горела его боевая машина, но мой прадедушка несмотря на это сумел пройти боевой путь от Сталинграда до штурма Берлина, участвовал в Сталинградской и Курской битвах, принимал участие в освобождении Орла, Киева, Кёнигсберга, Берлина и множества других городов нашей Родины и Европы. За выполнение боевых задач мой прадедушка неоднократно награждался государственными медалями и грамотами. После демобилизации Сергей Павлович сначала работал водителем в совхозе села Воскресенское, а проживал в деревне Дмитриевка (в настоящее время это село не существует), а затем переехал в село Теплое, где в местном совхозе до самой смерти проработал трактористом.
Сергей Павлович сделал очень многое для нашей страны. Он был отважным и сильным человеком. Я горжусь своим прадедушкой!
Автор ответа:
I want to tell a story about my great-grandfather.When i was born i dont see him alive.My father member the history of his grandfather very good,and he can told me many information about him.
My great-granfather's name is Zhavoronkov Sergei Pavlovich.He was born on 15 September 1923 in the village of Warm Dankovskiy district. In 1941, at the age of 18 years, my great-grandfather was drafted into the red Army. All the great Patriotic War he served as a mechanic-driver of tank T-34 of 59-th guards tank regiment.Over the years he participated in most major battles of the great Patriotic War, twice burned his fighting machine, but my great-grandfather despite this managed to pass fighting his way from Stalingrad to the fall of Berlin, participated in Stalingrad and Kursk battles, took part in the liberation of Orel, Kiev, Konigsberg, Berlin and many other cities of our country and Europe. During the execution of combat tasks, my grandfather was repeatedly awarded state medals and certificates. After demobilization Sergei Pavlovich worked first as a driver in sovkhoz Voskresenskoye village, and lived in the village of Dmitrievka (currently the village does not exist), and then moved to the village Warm, where a local farm until his death he worked as a tractor driver.
Sergei Pavlovich did a lot for our country. He was a brave and strong person. I'm proud of my great-grandfather.
I want to tell a story about my great-grandfather.When i was born i dont see him alive.My father member the history of his grandfather very good,and he can told me many information about him.
My great-granfather's name is Zhavoronkov Sergei Pavlovich.He was born on 15 September 1923 in the village of Warm Dankovskiy district. In 1941, at the age of 18 years, my great-grandfather was drafted into the red Army. All the great Patriotic War he served as a mechanic-driver of tank T-34 of 59-th guards tank regiment.Over the years he participated in most major battles of the great Patriotic War, twice burned his fighting machine, but my great-grandfather despite this managed to pass fighting his way from Stalingrad to the fall of Berlin, participated in Stalingrad and Kursk battles, took part in the liberation of Orel, Kiev, Konigsberg, Berlin and many other cities of our country and Europe. During the execution of combat tasks, my grandfather was repeatedly awarded state medals and certificates. After demobilization Sergei Pavlovich worked first as a driver in sovkhoz Voskresenskoye village, and lived in the village of Dmitrievka (currently the village does not exist), and then moved to the village Warm, where a local farm until his death he worked as a tractor driver.
Sergei Pavlovich did a lot for our country. He was a brave and strong person. I'm proud of my great-grandfather.
2. When i was born i didn't see him alive
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