Предмет: Русский язык, автор: shazhdekeeve

перестройте предложения заменяя из глаголов деепричастием следите за смыслом
1) В первую минуту он нагонял плот и кричал
2) Он ни секунды не колебался и поплыл туда
3) Он впал в отчаянье и не почувствовал прежней решимости
4) Лали стояла на коленях и смотрела вперед
5) Они были там и погибли задохнувшись в дыму или сгорели заживо среды пылающих досок
6) Бен опасался погони и не думал ложиться


Автор ответа: azaliyamusina
1) В первую минуту он кричал, нагоняя плот.
2) Он ни секунды не колебался, плывя туда.
3) Он впал в отчаянье, не почувствовав прежней решимости.
4) Лали, стоя на коленях, смотрела вперед
5) Они были там и погибли, задыхаясь в дыму или сгорая заживо среды пылающих досок.
6) Бен, опасаяся погони,  не думал ложиться
Автор ответа: tanyaivantsova
1) В первую минуту он нагонял плот , крича .
2) Он , ни секунды не колеблясь , поплыл туда
3) Он впал в отчаянье , не почувствовав прежней решимости
4) Лали , стоя на коленях ,  смотрела вперед
5) Они были там и погибли ,задохнувшись в дыму или сгорев заживо среди пылающих досок
6) Бен , опасаясь погони ,  не думал ложиться
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1 Complete the sentences with the missing prepositions.
0 I'm not sure if I will get into university with my grades.

a) Laura, are you revising _____ your exam or chatting with your friends?
b) You need to keep _____ with all your homework if you want to get better grades.
c) Marcus is very outgoing and he gets _____ well with his classmates.
d) Oh no! We have to learn all these phrasal verbs _____ heart!
e) I don’t do any work on Sundays because I need to chill _____ before Monday.

2 Choose the correct option.
0 This is Mark; he A responsible for organizing special campaigns and events in the company.
A is B takes C works

a) I believe that only people who ___ well-paid can work efficiently and feel motivated.
A take B are C work
b) Glen _____ from his job because he didn’t get on with his boss!
A left B resigned C fired
c) If the company isn’t profitable at the end of the year, everyone will _____ the sack! A do B get C have
d) The success of a company depends on how people _____ it.
A run B worked C done
e) As an employee here, you can _____ four weeks of paid holiday every year.
A be B take C work
f) Last month we had to _____ overtime to finish an important project on time.
A be B get C do
g) Tina _____ long hours because she has her own business.
A works B makes C takes

3 Complete the sentences. The first letters are given.
0 Unfortunately, many college graduates are u n e m p l o y e d, because there aren’t enough jobs.

a) Rob is a gardener. He works o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in all kinds of weather.
b) A lot of university students have a p _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ job to earn a bit of money.
c) The workers are badly - p______ and they are demanding more money.
d) I am writing to you because I would like to a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a job in your office in London.
e) Mrs Smith has r _ _ the c _ _ _ _ _ _ that her family owns for many years. It’s a very successful.

4 Choose the correct option, A, B or C to complete the text.

Franny Hall

At what age do you think you will stop working? Sixty? Seventy-five?
Ninety? People in most countries 0 _____ when they are in their sixties, but that is not the case for Franny Hall, a ninety-year old skiing 1 _____ from New York. Does Franny think her job is 2 _____ ? Not really! She still goes to work every day even though she 3 _____ have an operation on her knee not too long ago. And she’s just as good at skiing as someone half her age. Franny doesn’t have a 4 _____ – she is self employed, working at a school she owns with her daughter. Franny is like a friendly granny on skis. If I 5 _____ skiing lessons, I would ask Franny to teach me!

0 A retire B apply for a job C go on holiday

1 A doctor B training C instructor
2 A tiring B tired C tire
3 A had to B didn’t need to C must
4 A career B boss C work
5 A will need B need C needed


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