Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Rotic

Ответьте на 4 вопроса :
It the Old Circus named after Oleg Popov or Yuri Nikulin?
How many theatres are there in Moscow?
The Old Cireus and the Moscow Dolphinarium attract people , don't they?
Does the Moscow Dolphinarium promise great enjoyment for a person of any age?
По тексту :
There is no need to rack one's brains about outings in Moscow as the cultural life is intense. A lot of famous theatres and galleries are there. The Bolshoi and the Maly Theatres are in the centre of Moscow in Teatralnaya Square. Just round the corner there is the Moscow Art Theatre (the MkhAT). The Operetta Theatre is a two-minute walk from the Teatralnaya Square as well. It's incredible, but there are about ninety theatres in Moscow (apart from the different studios and theatrical societies), more than seventy museums and a great number of exhibitions of all kinds.
In spite of the wide choice, it is not easy to recommend something to a foreigner. Tastes differ, you know. But even if you have no idea of the person's interests, there are some places to suggest. They may not be at the top of the list of Moscow entertainment, but they promise great enjoyment for a person of any age and background.
One of these places is the fairy world of the Yury Nikulin Old Circus on Tsvetnoi Boulevard. It is really old, one of the oldest circuses in Russia. It was opened in 1880 and since that time has been working non-stop (even during the Great Patriotic War). The Old Circus has always had the reputation of one of the best circuses in the world. It is famous for its very good programmes for children. People still remember brilliant clowns like Karandash and Oleg Popov. Yury Nikulin also worked there and now the circus is named after him: the Nikulinsky Circus.
In 1980s, the circus was rebuilt, but the atmosphere of the Old Circus remained the same: warm and homelike. Today, more than 2000 spectators can watch amazing programmes. Wild animals, like tigers and elephants, often take part in the performances.
If you want to see sea animal performances, you'll have to go to another kind of circus: the Moscow Dolphinarium. It is the best opportunity for those who want to see marine mammals, such as dolphins, sea lions and seals.
The performance is rather short (it only lasts for about one hour), but the actors are splendid and amaze adults as well as kids. People can admire a huge white whale and several dolphins performing together. And what a delight it is when a dolphin touches your hand!
These places of public entertainment are different from other more popular attractions. They seem to be more real and less commercial. It's quite possible that it's this kind of entertainment that attracts people to Moscow.
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Автор ответа: Аноним
It the Old Circus named after Oleg Popov or Yuri Nikulin?
This theatre of a name of Yury Nikulina.
How many theatres are there in Moscow?
In Moscow there are about ninety theatres.
The Old Cireus and the Moscow Dolphinarium attract people , don't they?
Old Cireus Moscow Dolphinarium has attracted people.
Does the Moscow Dolphinarium promise great enjoyment for a person of any age?
In Moscow at the Dolphinarium promises great fun for any age.

Аноним: краткие ответ:
Аноним: 1)Named After Yuri Nikulin
Аноним: 2)Ninety theatres
Аноним: 3)Yes attract.
Rotic: Спасибо большое :3
Аноним: 4)In Moscow promise.
Аноним: не за что
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3. 40 г речовини та 160 г води;
4. 203 г речовини та 147 г води;

А. 15%;
Б. 20 %;
В. 32%;
Г. 46%;
Д. 58%.

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