Предмет: История, автор: Sonik04

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Автор ответа: сабина1602
1861-65 Гражданская война в США
1864-66 Война Испании с Перу, Чили, Эквадором и Боливией ("I Тихоокеанская война")
1864-70 Война Парагвая с Бразилией, Аргентиной и Уругваем ("Парагвайская война")

Автор ответа: сабина1602
1867 Покупка США Аляски и Алеутских островов у России
1879-84 Война Чили с Боливией и Перу ("II Тихоокеанская война")
1898 Испано-американская война в результате которой США получили Филиппины, Гавайи, Пуэрто-Рико
1899-1901Американо-филлипинская война
1903 Захват США зоны Панамского канала
Автор ответа: сабина1602
1904-07 Юридическое оформление союза "Антанта" - Россия, Англия, Франция и США
1907 Война между Гондурасом, Никарагуа и Сальвадором
1909-1911 Гражданская война в Гондурасе
1910-17 Революция в Мексике
1913 создание Федеральной резервной системы США
Автор ответа: сабина1602
1914 Открытие Панамского канала.
1917 США вступают в Первую мировую войну на стороне Антанты.
1929-33 Великая депрессия в США, Мировой экономический кризис
1932-35 Война Боливии с Парагваем
1932 Государственные перевороты в Чили
1936 Панамериканская мирная конференция в Буэнос-Айресе
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: diaszanibekov0
Exercise1. Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct particles.

1.I can´t hear you. Can you speak ___ please?

a. out

b. over

c. up

2.Please, turn the light ___ before leaving.

a. off

b. over

c. out

3.Look! The plane is taking ___ !

a. up

b. off

c. over

4.I usually get ___ around nine o´clock every morning.

a. on

b. up

c. at

5.The teacher told him to be quiet but he kept ___ talking.

a. on

b. at

c. up

6.You need to fill ___ a form to join the library.

a. in

b. on

c. at

7.I know it´s difficult to find a job but you shouldn´t give ___ looking for one.

a. off

b. in

c. up

8.I cooked, so why don´t you wash ___ the dishes?

a. off

b. up

c. over

9.You must check ___ your luggage before taking the plane.

a. up

b. off

c. in

10.The meeting was put ___ because too many people were absent.

a. off

b. out

c. away

11.I hadn´t seen him in ages and I suddenly ran _____ him the other day.

a. up

b. over

c. into

12.Oh, we can´t make the cake! We´ve run _____ of flour.

a. away

b. off

c. out

13.Do you mind if I switch____ the TV? I'd like to watch the news.

a. up

b. off

c. on

14.When you enter the house, take_____ your shoes and put_____ your slippers.

a. up

b. off

c. on

15. I cannot go out tonight. I must look_________my little brother.

a. up

b. after

c. for

16.They said they would look ... my dog while I was away.

a. after

b. up

c. over

17.As soon as I got ... the bus, I realised it was the wrong one.

a. in

b. on

c. up

18.In order to process your application, we need you to fill ... this form.

a. in

b. on

c. to

19. Are you looking__________your holidays?

a. after

b. forward to

c. for

20.I am looking__________ my mobile. Have you seen it?

a. after

b. forward to

c. for

Exercise 2. Complete these sentences with a phrasal verb which means the same as the verb in brackets.

1.The police ________________ (investigate) the robbery of a famous painting.

a. are looking on

b. are looking into

c. are finding out

d. are finding in

2.After 20 years together Paul and Julia ________________ (end a relationship).

a. broke away

b. split up

c. broke down

d. split off

3.What does this word mean? I´ll _______ it ______ (find its meaning) in the dictionary.

a. look in

b. look out

c. look up

d. look for

4.It´s not such a terrible thing! Don´t worry! ________________! (be happy, not be sad).

a. cheer out

b. laugh out

c. laugh away

d. cheer up

5.It´s too cold in here. Shall I ________________ (increase the temperature) the heating?

a. get up

b. turn up

c. turn on

d. put on

6.We had to ________________ (postpone) the trip because of the bad weather.

a. put off

b. call off

c. take off

d. call out

7.I´ve missed many lessons, so now I´ll have to ________________ (reach the same level, learn the same as the others) the other students.

a. catch up

b. catch up with

c. learn on

d. hurry up

8.Before you go, you will _________ (visit) Lord and Lady Stark and offer your sympathies.

a. put off

b. call on

c. take off

d. call out

9.I_______( found by chance) the term while reading...and I didn't fully understand it.

a. came across

b. came up

c. came off

d. came out

10.I lied to you. There was no need for him to_________( return.).There's no way to help us

a. come across

b. come back

c. come down

d. come out
Предмет: Геометрия, автор: tech654367896