Помогите с английским. Задание 1.
Подберите к следующим вопросам ответы:
1. Must he or must his brother help me? 1. These books (are).
2. Do you feel well? 2. Yes, I do.
3. Will that house be built next month? 3. His brother must.
4. What books are interesting? 4. No, it won't.
Образуйтеразделительныевопросы (вопросысхвостиком) пообразцу: You can't speak Spanish. – You can't speak Spanish, can you?
5. Mary is playing the piano very well.
6. He was listening to the concert on TV at 7 p.m.
Cоставьте вопрос, на который это предложение может быть ответом.
7. No, I haven't been to Paris.
Поставьтеглагол Past Perfect, Past Simple или Past Continuous ипереведитепредложения.
8. By six o’clock yesterday you (to do) your homework and at six you (to watch) a videofilm.
9. By 4 o’clock the girl (to come) home and at two she (to have) dinner.
10. My parents (to come) home by six o’clock.
Заполнить пропуски, поставив глагол в скобках в нужную форму (в будущее совершенное время).
11. The police … (arrest) the thief by the next morning.
12. If they can do it then they … (fulfill) theirmission.
2 -- 2
3 -- 4
4 -- 1
5 -- Mary is playing the piano very well, isn't she?
6 -- He was listening to the concert on TV at 7 p.m., wasn't he?
7 -- Have you been to Paris?
8 -- By six o’clock yesterday you had done your homework and at six you were watching a videofilm.
9 -- (By 1 o’clock the girl had come home and at two she was having dinner.)
или: By 4 o'clock the girl came home and at two she was having dinner.
10 --My parents came home by six o’clock.
11 -- The police will have arrested the thief by the next morning.
12 -- If they can do it then they will have fulfilled their mission.