Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: Karina290777
Твір на англійській мові про випускний
Автор ответа:
И вот настал тот день, когда время наряжаться, красится, волноваться ну и конечно же плакать. Это был мой выпускной. Наконец то я закончила школу, я так этого ждала, но все равно не хочу покидать своих друзей, учителей. Ведь мы все разлетимся как голуби по разным странам и городам, и кто знает когда мы еще увидемся.И вот я в красивом платье и с букетом красных роз захожу в школу в последний раз. Все уже собрались. Директор школы переговаривает с завучем, повторяют сценарий, родители сидели на креслах, а мои однокласники стояли за сценой, тоже готовились начинать.И вот громкая музыка доносится из колонок, ребята выходят на сцену и приветствуют родителе, учителей. Представление началось. Пели песни, поздравляли учителей, благодарили родителей за то что воспитали, ну и в конце мероприятия уже взрослые выпускники с родителями идут в ресторан, отмечать. Все веселятся, вспоминают запомнившиеся моменты из школы. И по традиции все побежали встречать рассвет.
And then came the day when time to get dressed up, painted, worry and of course crying. It was my prom. Finally, I finished school, I was looking forward to, but still don't want to leave my friends and teachers. After all, we all gonna be blowed as doves in different countries and cities and who knows when we'll meet.
And here I am in beautiful dress and with a bouquet of red roses I went to school for the last time. Everyone was already here. The Director of the school perevarivat with the teacher, repeat the scenario, the parents sat on the chairs, and my classmates were standing behind the stage, too, was preparing to start.
And here loud music coming from the speakers, the guys go on stage and greet the parent, and teachers. The performance had begun. Sang songs, congratulated the teachers, thanked the parents for what was raised, and at the end of the event are adults alumni parents go to a restaurant to celebrate. All have fun, remember memorable moments from school. And by tradition, all ran to see the sunrise.
And then came the day when time to get dressed up, painted, worry and of course crying. It was my prom. Finally, I finished school, I was looking forward to, but still don't want to leave my friends and teachers. After all, we all gonna be blowed as doves in different countries and cities and who knows when we'll meet.
And here I am in beautiful dress and with a bouquet of red roses I went to school for the last time. Everyone was already here. The Director of the school perevarivat with the teacher, repeat the scenario, the parents sat on the chairs, and my classmates were standing behind the stage, too, was preparing to start.
And here loud music coming from the speakers, the guys go on stage and greet the parent, and teachers. The performance had begun. Sang songs, congratulated the teachers, thanked the parents for what was raised, and at the end of the event are adults alumni parents go to a restaurant to celebrate. All have fun, remember memorable moments from school. And by tradition, all ran to see the sunrise.
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