Предмет: Алгебра, автор: JDMщиk

срочно срочно помогите 2,3,4



Автор ответа: selenadior
2. a) (2x^{3})^{3}=2^3*(x^3)^3=8 x^{9}
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«Представник козацько-старшинського роду, талановитий полководець, дипломат. Останній кошовий отаман Запорозької Січі, засланий за наказом Катерини ІІ у Соловецький монастир, де провів 25 років».

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Check your progress

(Spotlight 9 Unit 7)

1. Fill in: starving, freezes, jealous, crowds, thirsty, put on, cut down on, embarrassment, rich, home-made

1. Look how he's drinking. He's so

2. Just speaking at the conference next week gives her

3. As for me, I prefer cakes.

4.Kiwi fruit are in vitamin C.

5. Nick is of his classmate's new smart phone.

6. Sarah should

7. He's always

8. Victor has some weight since we last met.

9. Some people are afraid of being in 10. She

cookies and candy if she wants to lose weight.

after work so granny cooks tasty dinner.

every time she enters the dentist's study.

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1. Ifyou

(not be) afraid of heights you would go by plane. 2. If she …


act) immediately, the fire would have spread throughout the whole house. 3. If Jim (get) a two, his parents will scold him. 4. She wishes she

5. If you (close) the cage, the bird wouldn't have flown away. 6. If you … red and yellow, you get orange. 7. If Natasha was on diet, she

8. If only she (not get) angry at mum today. 9. I today unless it stops raining. 10. If he had a good voice, he

(not be) so afraid of mice.

(order) a dessert. (not go out)


(become) a singer.

3. Choose the correct modals.

1. You don't need to/can't go to school on Sunday. 2. Maggy should/must send her granny a card for her birthday. 3. He can/should perform magic tricks. 4. Pupils mustn't/shouldn't cheat at exams. 5. You mustn't/shouldn't drive when the lights are red.

4. Fill in the gaps with the correct phrasal verbs.

1. "Кеер reading" the teacher said. 2. The sign said "Keep newcomer kept the other pupils in the class. 4. Cars should be kept city centre. 5. Keep the flies the food.

the grass!" 3. The


5. Match the dialogue exchanges.

1. What's the nature of the emergency?

2. I'm putting you through.

3. Which service do you require?

4. Could you put me through the fire service, please?

5. Can I have your name and the number you are calling from, please?

a Sure. I'm Mary Hill on 07786265413 b A car has just knocked a man off his motorbike. c Ambulance, please. d Thanks a lot. e Please, hold the line.

очень срочно нужны ответы, до среды, пожалуйста ​
Предмет: Биология, автор: mylin357