Предмет: Английский язык, автор: vikakhomyakova

Cкласть 5 вопросов по тексту .

The need for higher education in the United States has grown with advances in knowledge and education Many lobs now require college or university training/ Therefore, high school leavers are motivated earn us much education is they can. Now, more than 4,50o accredited colleges and universities make up higher education in the United States. Most are coeducational, that is, they are open to both men and women students (also called mixed-gender education)
In Europe, the term "college gradually came to mean a place for studying a specific subject (for example, law). Since many colonists migrated to North America for religious freedom, it is not surprising that first American colleges trained men to be ministers, Harvard College was founded for this purpose in 1636: so were William and Mary Coliege(Virginia) in 1693. and Yale(Connecticut) in 1701. 1783, when the American colonies won their independence from Britain. six more colleges had been added. ton and Rulgers New Jersey Pennsyivania. Columbia C New York). Brown(Rhode Island) and Darun outh i New Hampshire, All are active, respected universities today.
Unlike many countries, U.S. higher education institutions are not centrally organized or managed. but are accredited on a national or regional level by independent accrediting bodies, Institutions of higher learning in the US. are organized as colleges or universities. A college is a four-year undergraduate institution for students seeking a bachelor's degree. A university may contain one or more colleges as well as graduate programs in professional fields of learning such as business, medicine, engineering and law. A university also provides advanced studies in most of the subjects that are offered in colleges.
A variety of institution types offer higher-education degrees. Liberal arts institutions, for example, of courses in the arts, humanities, languages, and social sciences. The majority of liberal arts institutions are private. Private colleges and universities are funded by a combination of endowments, if ts from alumni, research grants, and tuition fees. Private colleges and universities are usually smaller than public institutions and can have a religious affiliation or be single-sex schools
State colleges and universities, also called public universities," were founded and subsidized by U.S. State governments to provide a low-cost education to residents of that state. Public universities generally offer access to research opportunities and classes in a wide variety of fields of study. These versities tend to be very large and generally admit a wider range of students than private universitics .
• The growing demand for higher education is partly mel by two-year Junior colleges. These schools are sometimes called community colleges". Community colleges provide two-year associate degree program for free or low fee to school graduates. Courses include training for specialized fields and help students gain occupational skills for immediate employment or prepare for more advanced study Many junior college graduates apply to four year colleges or university Regardless of the institution type, in the United States, students typically earn credits for courses they take and these credits count towards the completion of a program are often divided into core" subject Courses courses to provide to provide the foundation of the degree program and major specialization in a subject area Students can also take "elective" courses to explore other topics interest for a well-rounded educational experience
The US, academic calendar typically runs from September to May and can be divided into two academic terms of 16-18 weeks known as semesters Alternatively, some schools may operate on a quarter or trimester system of multiple terms of 10-12 weeks
Although it is easy to get to a university, it is not so easy to stay there because of the points system. Students are given grade points continuously according to how well or how badly they are doing in all their courses


Автор ответа: Kondratka2000
When Harvard College was founded? A university provides advanced studies in most of the subjects that are offered in colleges, doesn't it? What institution types offer higher-education degrees? Are the majority of liberal arts institutions private? Are students typically earn credits for courses they take in USA?
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