Предмет: География, автор: Matvei1960

Презентация о Русских путешественниках (5 класс)


Автор ответа: Угуша
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Read the text and answer the questions.
Hello, my dear followers, it’s again me, Lika! Every day I receive dozens of letters with questions about how I stay healthy. So, my post today is about this!
Eating habits play an important role in our life. My first question for you - do you eat fast food? Most of you can answer “Yes, I love pizza and coke. We order pizza every evening”. So, it’s a big problem. Scientists are sure, that if you eat a lot of fast food, you don`t get nutrients, your body suffers and shows it to you. I think, after eating pizza you feel sick, or you don’t like your image in the mirror. Therefore, stop eating fast food every day, especially in the evenings and you’ll see a great result!
My next question - do you have breakfast? If not, it’s again harmful behaviour, because, according to medical researches, you don’t give energy to your body in the beginning of the day. Consequently, you feel bad. I think, you feel sleepy, nervous and tired.
It is well-known that your sleeping hours play a great role in your healthy lifestyle. The third question – what time do you go to bed and get up? If your answer is ‘late, because I surf social networks, chat with friends or watch films”– believe me, you again do the wrong thing. Moreover, doctors say, you cause a lot of diseases and problems with overweight. Thus, you aren’t happy with yourself, you don’t want to go shopping and try on clothes you like.
Now, take note of my tips and don’t forget about likes if they were useful for you.
eat vegetable salad with boiled chicken for dinner instead of pizza and chips;
have cereal or boiled eggs for breakfast every day;
go to bed at 10.00 or 11.00 pm and get up at 07.00 am.
According to Lika’s point of view, eating fast food can cause
What in her opinion is the best thing to do to get a great result?
What does Lika think about breakfast?​