Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Аноним

СРОЧНО ! 10 БАЛЛОВ ! Продолжите предложения,поставьте,если это нужно,тире между подлежащим и сказуемым:
1 Ботаника .........
2 Индийский Океан ......
3 География . .. ..
4 Моя мечта .....
5 Наша встреча ....
6 Жить ....
7 Она.....
8 Высота горы......


Автор ответа: Behruz2005
Обязательно тире ставится
Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: weramin
6 тестів. Даю 60 балів.

9. I was there ... .
А. Tomorrow;
Б. Yesterday;
В. Now;
Г. Today.

14. She … the flowers because they are dry.
А. Waters;
Б. Was watering;
В. Is watering;
Г. Water.

15. Peter was looking for a better job, … ?
А. Wasn’t he;
Б. Isn’t he;
В. Was he;
Г. Isn’t Peter.

118. Ми маємо багато родичів по лінії батька.
А. We have many relatives on my father’s line;
Б. We have many relatives on my father’s side;
В. We has many relatives by my father’s side;
Г. We is to have many relatives on my father’s side.

142. Інтереси фермерів представляє Національна спілка фермерів.
А. Farmers’ interests are represented by the National Farmers Union;
Б. Farmers interests represented by the National Farmers Union;
В. Farmer’s interests is represented by the National Farmers Union;
Г. Farmers interests’ are representing by the National Farmers Union.

145. Існують три основні типи сільськогосподарської освіти в Україні: початковий, коледж та університет (професійний), загальний.
А. There are three major stages of agricultural education in Ukraine: elementary, college and university, general;
Б. There are three minor levels of agricultural education in Ukraine: elementary, college and university, general;
В. There is three major levels of agricultural education in Ukraine: elementary, college and university, general;
Г. There three major levels of agricultural education in Ukraine: elementary, college and university, general.
Предмет: Литература, автор: rinazhanseitova2007